1.1. Integration

1.1.1. Using CocoaPods

Add the following content in file Podfile:

source "https://github.com/TuyaInc/TYPublicSpecs.git"
source 'https://cdn.cocoapods.org/'

platform :ios, '9.0'

target 'your_target_name' do
   pod "TuyaSmartPanelSDK"
   # If you need the sweeper, please rely on the relevant plug-in of the sweeper
   pod "TuyaRNApi/Sweeper"

Execute command pod update in the project's root directory to begin integration.

For the instructions of CocoaPods, please refer to: CocoaPods Guides

1.1.2. Initializing SDK

  1. Open project setting, Target => General, edit Bundle Identifier to the value from Tuya develop center.
  2. Import security image to the project and rename as t_s.bmp from Preparation Work, then add it into Project Setting => Target => Build Phases => Copy Bundle Resources.
  3. Add the following to the project file PrefixHeader.pch
#import <TuyaSmartBaseKit/TuyaSmartBaseKit.h>
#import <TuyaSmartPanelSDK/TuyaSmartPanelSDK.h>

Swift project add the following to the xxx_Bridging-Header.h file:

#import <TuyaSmartBaseKit/TuyaSmartBaseKit.h>
#import <TuyaSmartPanelSDK/TuyaSmartPanelSDK.h>
  1. Open file AppDelegate.m,and use the App Key and App Secret obtained from the development platform in the [AppDelegate application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:]method to initialize SDK:


Init SDK

- (void)startWithAppKey:(NSString *)appKey secretKey:(NSString *)secretKey;


Parameter Description
appKey App key
secretKey App secret key



[[TuyaSmartSDK sharedInstance] startWithAppKey:<#your_app_key#> secretKey:<#your_secret_key#>];


 TuyaSmartSDK.sharedInstance()?.start(withAppKey: <#your_app_key#>, secretKey: <#your_secret_key#>)

Now all the prepare work has been completed. You can use the sdk to develop your application now.

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