1.1. Panel Overview

Tuya Smart Camera Panel SDK (referred to as: TuyaCameraPanelSDK) provides user-friendly Tuya camera related panels for the convenience of users and reduces the cost of camera panel development, mainly including:

Class name Description
TYCameraViewContronller Camera native preview panel, mainly including live video preview.
TYCameraNewPlaybackViewController Camera playback panel, showing videos stored on the camera storage device.
TYCameraCloudViewController Camera cloud storage panel, showing the recorded cloud video after the cloud storage function is activated.
TYPhotoPickerController Camera album panel, which shows the screenshot or recorded video file saved according to the device id.
TYCameraDetectViewController Camera message center panel, including various detection alarm messages generated during camera recording.
TuyaSmartCameraSettingViewController Camera settings panel, including device information, basic settings, storage settings, restart device, restart device and other commonly used camera functions.

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