1. Detection alarm
Tuya smart camera usually has the ability of detecting alarm. There are two main types of alarm detection, sound detection and motion detection. When the device detects a sound or object moving, it sends a warning message, and if your App is integrated with push, it will also receive a push notification. Integrate push refer to Integrate push.
The alarm message usually comes with a screenshot of the current video.
Direct-powered doorbell equipment, has ability to provide video messages. When someone rings the doorbell, the device can upload a video message, which is also picked up by an alarm message with a six-second encrypted video.
1.1. Message List
1.1.1. Module Import
implementation 'com.tuya.smart:tuyasmart-ipc-camera-message:3.13.0r128'
1.1.2. Message calendar
You can use the SDK to look up the date of the alarm message in a certain year and a certain month, so that it can be displayed visually on the calendar.
The camera message center records the picture data, video data of the camera detection alarm and data of someone visiting.
void queryAlarmDetectionDaysByMonth(String jsonParams, ResultListener<JSONArray> listener)
Parameter | Parameter Type | Parameter requirements | Description |
msgSrcId | String | Need | Device Id |
month | String | Need | year and month, with-in the middle, for example: 2019-8 |
timeZone | String | Need | Time zone, for example: Asia / Shanghai |
JSONObject object = new JSONObject();
object.put("msgSrcId", devId);
object.put("timeZone", TimeZoneUtils.getTimezoneGCMById(TimeZone.getDefault().getID()));
object.put("month", year + "-" + month);
new Business.ResultListener<JSONArray>() {
public void onFailure(BusinessResponse businessResponse, JSONArray objects, String s) {
public void onSuccess(BusinessResponse businessResponse, JSONArray objects, String s) {
List<Integer> dates = JSONArray.parseArray(objects.toJSONString(), Integer.class);
if (dates.size() > 0){
day = dates.get(0);
Example of returned data structure: (specifically based on actual request):
"result": ["20"],
"t": 1564390878414,
"success": true,
"status": "ok"
1.1.3. Message type
There are many types of detection alarm messages according to the trigger mode, and some types can be divided into a large category. The Camera SDK provides a list of default classifications to facilitate querying alarm messages by classification.
Get message type
void queryAlarmDetectionClassify(String devId, ResultListener<ArrayList<CameraMessageClassifyBean>> listener)
Parameter | Parameter Type | Parameter requirements | Description |
devId | String | Need | Device Id |
public void queryCameraMessageClassify(String devId) {
if (messageBusiness != null) {
messageBusiness.queryAlarmDetectionClassify(devId, new Business.ResultListener<ArrayList<CameraMessageClassifyBean>>() {
public void onFailure(BusinessResponse businessResponse, ArrayList<CameraMessageClassifyBean> cameraMessageClassifyBeans, String s) {
public void onSuccess(BusinessResponse businessResponse, ArrayList<CameraMessageClassifyBean> cameraMessageClassifyBeans, String s) {
selectClassify = cameraMessageClassifyBeans.get(0);
Example of returned data structure: (specifically based on actual request):
"result": [{
"describe": "All"
}, {
"describe": "Motion",
"msgCode": ["ipc_motion", "ipc_linger", "ipc_passby", "ipc_human", "ipc_car", "ipc_cat", "MOVEMENT_DETECT_MSG"]
}, {
"describe": "Talk",
"msgCode": ["ipc_connected", "ipc_unconnected", "ipc_refuse", "ipc_doorbell", "ipc_leave_msg"]
"t": 1564390878289,
"success": true,
"status": "ok"
Parameter | Description |
describe | message description |
msgCode | / |
selected | / |
The message type represents the trigger form of the alarm message, which is reflected in the code as the msgCode
attribute of the alarm message data model.
Message Type
Type | Description |
ipc_motion | Motion detecting |
ipc_doorbell | Doorbell ring |
ipc_dev_link | Devices linkage |
ipc_passby | Someone passby |
ipc_linger | Someone linger |
ipc_leave_msg | Doorbell message |
ipc_connected | Doorbell ring has answered |
ipc_unconnected | Doorbell not answered |
ipc_refuse | Doorbell resisted |
ipc_human | Human detection |
ipc_cat | Pet detection |
ipc_car | Car detection |
ipc_baby_cry | Baby cry |
ipc_bang | Abnormal sound |
ipc_face | Face detection |
ipc_antibreak | Forced demolition alarm |
ipc_low_battery | Low power alarm |
Depending on the device's capabilities, the types of messages that can be triggered can vary.
1.1.4. Message list
Get message center specific data
void getAlarmDetectionMessageList(String json, ResultListener<JSONObject> listener)
Parameter | Parameter Type | Parameter requirements | Description |
msgSrcId | String | Need | device Id |
msgType | Int | Need | Message Type, mesType = 4 |
limit | Int | Need | Limit |
offset | Int | Need | Offset |
startTime | Long | Need | Start time, Unix timestamp, seconds |
endTime | Long | Need | End time , Unix timestamp, seconds |
msgCodes | String[] | / | If not, all types of data are requested by default, if they are, then the corresponding type of message data is requested (for the message array, please refer to the message type interface introduction) |
if (null != messageBusiness){
long startTime = DateUtils.getTodayStart(day);
long endTime = DateUtils.getTodayEnd(day) - 1L;
JSONObject object = new JSONObject();
object.put("msgSrcId", devId);
object.put("startTime", startTime);
object.put("endTime", endTime);
object.put("msgType", 4);
object.put("limit", 30);
object.put("keepOrig", true);
object.put("offset", offset);
if (null != selectClassify) {
object.put("msgCodes", selectClassify.getMsgCode());
messageBusiness.getAlarmDetectionMessageList(object.toJSONString(), new Business.ResultListener<JSONObject>() {
public void onFailure(BusinessResponse businessResponse, JSONObject jsonObject, String s) {
mHandler.sendMessage(MessageUtil.getMessage(MSG_GET_ALARM_DETECTION, ARG1_OPERATE_FAIL));
public void onSuccess(BusinessResponse businessResponse, JSONObject jsonObject, String s) {
List<CameraMessageBean> msgList;
try {
msgList = JSONArray.parseArray(jsonObject.getString("datas"), CameraMessageBean.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
msgList = null;
if (msgList != null) {
offset += msgList.size();
mHandler.sendMessage(MessageUtil.getMessage(MSG_GET_ALARM_DETECTION, ARG1_OPERATE_SUCCESS));
} else {
mHandler.sendMessage(MessageUtil.getMessage(MSG_GET_ALARM_DETECTION, ARG1_OPERATE_FAIL));
Example of returned data structure: (specifically based on actual request):
"result" : {
"datas" : [ {
"actionURL" : "tuyaSmart://panel?devId=6c659ecc586a7da3b5pawj",
"msgContent" : "switch open",
"msgType" : 4,
"time" : 1512639767,
"icon" : "https://images.tuyacn.com/smart/product_icon/kt.png",
"dateTime" : "2017-12-7 17:42",
"id" : 3261004,
"msgSrcId" : "6c659ecc586a7da3b5pawj",
"msgTypeContent" : "test"
}, {
"actionURL" : "tuyaSmart://panel?devId=6c659ecc586a7da3b5pawj",
"msgContent" : "switch open",
"msgType" : 4,
"time" : 1511420861,
"icon" : "https://images.tuyacn.com/smart/product_icon/kt.png",
"dateTime" : "2017-11-23 15:07",
"id" : 2967004,
"msgSrcId" : "6c659ecc586a7da3b5pawj",
"msgTypeContent" : "test"
} ],
"totalCount" : 2
"t" : 1539243923807,
"success" : true,
"status" : "ok"
CameraMessageBean data model
Parameter | Description |
dateTime | message create date |
msgTypeContent | / |
msgType | / |
time | message create time stamp |
attachPics | Picture of message event, array format, take the first data |
attachVideos | Video data of message event, array format, take the first data |
actionURL | / |
id | / |
msgSrcId | message ID |
1.1.5. Batch delete alarm message.
delete Message
void deleteAlarmDetectionMessageList(String ids, ResultListener<Boolean> listener)
Parameter | Parameter Type | Parameter requirements | Description |
ids | String | Need | String, multiple message ids separated by commas |
StringBuilder ids = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < mWaitingDeleteCameraMessageList.size(); i++) {
if (i != mWaitingDeleteCameraMessageList.size() - 1) {
messageBusiness.deleteAlarmDetectionMessageList(ids.toString(), new Business.ResultListener<Boolean>() {
public void onFailure(BusinessResponse businessResponse, Boolean aBoolean, String s) {
mHandler.sendMessage(MessageUtil.getMessage(MSG_DELETE_ALARM_DETECTION, ARG1_OPERATE_FAIL));
public void onSuccess(BusinessResponse businessResponse, Boolean aBoolean, String s) {
mHandler.sendMessage(MessageUtil.getMessage(MSG_DELETE_ALARM_DETECTION, ARG1_OPERATE_SUCCESS));
Example of returned data structure: (specifically based on actual request):
"result" : true,
"t" : 1548058543873,
"success" : true,
"status" : "ok"
1.2. Video message
Register the listener. Only after registration can you get the callback data for video playback
void registorOnP2PCameraListener(OnP2PCameraListener listener);
Parameter | Description |
OnP2PCameraListener | Video play callback data |
Inject player view to render video
void generateCloudCameraView(IRegistorIOTCListener view);
Parameter | Description |
IRegistorIOTCListener | Video play callback data |
create Message VideoPlayer device
void createCloudDevice(String cachePath, String devId, OperationDelegateCallBack callBack);
Parameter | Description |
cachePath | cache Video file path |
devId | device Id |
OperationDelegateCallBack | operation callback |
cloudVideo?.createCloudDevice(cachePath, devId, object : OperationDelegateCallBack {
override fun onSuccess(sessionId: Int, requestId: Int, data: String) {
mHandler.sendMessage(MessageUtil.getMessage(ICameraVideoPlayModel.MSG_CLOUD_MEDIA_DEVICE, ICameraVideoPlayModel.OPERATE_SUCCESS, data))
override fun onFailure(sessionId: Int, requestId: Int, errCode: Int) {
mHandler.sendMessage(MessageUtil.getMessage(ICameraVideoPlayModel.MSG_CLOUD_MEDIA_DEVICE, ICameraVideoPlayModel.OPERATE_FAIL, errCode))
Play video in alarm message
void playVideo(String videoUrl, int startTime, String encryptKey, OperationCallBack callback, OperationCallBack playFinishedCallBack);
Parameter | Description |
videoUrl | Video url |
startTime | Start playback time, initial value: 0 |
encryptKey | Key for playing video |
callback | operation callback |
playFinishedCallBack | finish play callback |
override fun playVideo(videoUrl: String, startTime: Int, encryptKey: String) {
if (cloudVideo == null) {
cloudVideo!!.playVideo(videoUrl, startTime, encryptKey, object : OperationCallBack {
override fun onSuccess(sessionId: Int, requestId: Int, data: String, camera: Any) {
playState = CloudPlayState.STATE_PLAYING
mHandler.sendMessage(MessageUtil.getMessage(ICameraVideoPlayModel.MSG_CLOUD_VIDEO_PLAY, ICameraVideoPlayModel.OPERATE_SUCCESS))
override fun onFailure(sessionId: Int, requestId: Int, errCode: Int, camera: Any) {
playState = CloudPlayState.STATE_ERROR
mHandler.sendMessage(MessageUtil.getMessage(ICameraVideoPlayModel.MSG_CLOUD_VIDEO_PLAY, ICameraVideoPlayModel.OPERATE_FAIL))
}, object : OperationCallBack {
override fun onSuccess(sessionId: Int, requestId: Int, data: String, camera: Any) {
playState = CloudPlayState.STATE_COMPLETED
mHandler.sendMessage(MessageUtil.getMessage(ICameraVideoPlayModel.MSG_CLOUD_VIDEO_STOP, ICameraVideoPlayModel.OPERATE_SUCCESS))
override fun onFailure(sessionId: Int, requestId: Int, errCode: Int, camera: Any) {
mHandler.sendMessage(MessageUtil.getMessage(ICameraVideoPlayModel.MSG_CLOUD_VIDEO_STOP, ICameraVideoPlayModel.OPERATE_FAIL))
Pause playing
void pauseVideo(OperationCallBack callback);
Parameter | Description |
OperationDelegateCallBack | operation callback |
override fun pauseVideo() {
if (cloudVideo == null) {
cloudVideo!!.pauseVideo(object : OperationCallBack {
override fun onSuccess(sessionId: Int, requestId: Int, data: String, camera: Any) {
playState = CloudPlayState.STATE_PAUSED
mHandler.sendMessage(MessageUtil.getMessage(ICameraVideoPlayModel.MSG_CLOUD_VIDEO_PAUSE, ICameraVideoPlayModel.OPERATE_SUCCESS))
override fun onFailure(sessionId: Int, requestId: Int, errCode: Int, camera: Any) {
mHandler.sendMessage(MessageUtil.getMessage(ICameraVideoPlayModel.MSG_CLOUD_VIDEO_PAUSE, ICameraVideoPlayModel.OPERATE_FAIL))
Resume playing
void resumeVideo(OperationCallBack callback);
Parameter | Description |
OperationDelegateCallBack | operation callback |
override fun resumeVideo() {
if (cloudVideo == null) {
cloudVideo!!.resumeVideo(object : OperationCallBack {
override fun onSuccess(sessionId: Int, requestId: Int, data: String, camera: Any) {
playState = CloudPlayState.STATE_PLAYING
mHandler.sendMessage(MessageUtil.getMessage(ICameraVideoPlayModel.MSG_CLOUD_VIDEO_RESUME, ICameraVideoPlayModel.OPERATE_SUCCESS))
override fun onFailure(sessionId: Int, requestId: Int, errCode: Int, camera: Any) {
mHandler.sendMessage(MessageUtil.getMessage(ICameraVideoPlayModel.MSG_CLOUD_VIDEO_RESUME, ICameraVideoPlayModel.OPERATE_FAIL))
Stop playing
void stopVideo(OperationCallBack callback);
Parameter | Description |
OperationDelegateCallBack | operation callback |
override fun stopVideo() {
if (cloudVideo == null) {
cloudVideo!!.stopVideo(object : OperationCallBack {
override fun onSuccess(sessionId: Int, requestId: Int, data: String, camera: Any) {
playState = CloudPlayState.STATE_STOP
mHandler.sendMessage(MessageUtil.getMessage(ICameraVideoPlayModel.MSG_CLOUD_VIDEO_STOP, ICameraVideoPlayModel.OPERATE_SUCCESS))
override fun onFailure(sessionId: Int, requestId: Int, errCode: Int, camera: Any) {
mHandler.sendMessage(MessageUtil.getMessage(ICameraVideoPlayModel.MSG_CLOUD_VIDEO_STOP, ICameraVideoPlayModel.OPERATE_FAIL))
Set Cloud Video Mute
void setCloudVideoMute(int mute, OperationDelegateCallBack callBack);
Parameter | Description |
mute | Pickup mode: ICameraP2P.MUTE / ICameraP2P.UNMUTE (mute / non-mute) |
OperationDelegateCallBack | operation callback |
private fun setCloudVideoMute(voiceMode: Int) {
if (cloudVideo == null) {
cloudVideo!!.setCloudVideoMute(voiceMode, object : OperationDelegateCallBack {
override fun onSuccess(sessionId: Int, requestId: Int, data: String) {
mHandler.sendMessage(MessageUtil.getMessage(ICameraVideoPlayModel.MSG_CLOUD_VIDEO_MUTE, IPanelModel.ARG1_OPERATE_SUCCESS, data))
override fun onFailure(sessionId: Int, requestId: Int, errCode: Int) {
mHandler.sendMessage(MessageUtil.getMessage(ICameraVideoPlayModel.MSG_CLOUD_VIDEO_MUTE, IPanelModel.ARG1_OPERATE_FAIL))
When cloud video is no longer used, deinit Cloud Video
void deinitCloudVideo();
Callback video YUV data
void onReceiveFrameYUVData(int sessionId, ByteBuffer y, ByteBuffer u, ByteBuffer v, int width, int height, int nFrameRate, int nIsKeyFrame, long timestamp, long nProgress, long nDuration, Object camera);
Parameter | Description |
sessionId | p2p session Id |
y | Video Y data |
u | Video U data |
v | Video V data |
width | Video width |
height | Video height |
timestamp | Time stamp |
nFrameRate | Frame rate |
nIsKeyFrame | Whether I frame |
nProgress | ime progress (the progress of the message center video) |
nDuration | Duration (message center video duration) |
camera | / |
As long as the video here is concerned about nProgress, nDuration
Sample Code
override fun onReceiveFrameYUVData(sessionId: Int, y: ByteBuffer, u: ByteBuffer, v: ByteBuffer, width: Int, height: Int, nFrameRate: Int, nIsKeyFrame: Int, timestamp: Long, nProgress: Long, nDuration: Long, camera: Any) {
val map = HashMap<String, Long>(2)
map["progress"] = nProgress
map["duration"] = nDuration
mHandler.sendMessage(MessageUtil.getMessage(ICameraVideoPlayModel.MSG_CLOUD_VIDEO_INFO, ICameraVideoPlayModel.OPERATE_SUCCESS, map))
Flow Chart
1.2.1. Alarm message and playback
There is no direct correlation between the alarm message and the record videos in memory card, the only correlation is that in the memory card event recording mode, the trigger reason and time point of the alarm message and record video are the same.
The alarm message is saved in the Tuya cloud, and the video recording of the memory card is saved in the camera's memory card, and the video in the memory card may be overwritten when the capacity is insufficient. The switch recorded by the memory card is not related to the switch that detects the alarm, so even in the mode of recording the memory card event, the alarm message and the video recording in the memory card are not one-to-one.
However, if there is a video recording at the time when the alarm message occurs, the SDK does not provide an interface for such correlation search. The developer can establish the correlation by searching whether there is a corresponding video recording in the video clip of the memory card on the same day by the trigger time of the alarm message.