1.1. AV Functions
The SDK provides some additional audio and video capabilities when play live video or playback.
1.1.1. Recording
Once the video has been successfully played (either live or playback), you can record the video currently playing to the phone.
Start video recording
int startRecordLocalMp4(String folderPath, String fileName, Context context, OperationDelegateCallBack callBack);
Note: Recording video requires write card permission
Parameter | Description |
folderPath | file path to save video |
fileName | file name |
context | Context |
callBack | result callback |
if (Constants.hasStoragePermission()) {
String picPath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() + "/Camera/";
File file = new File(picPath);
if (!file.exists()) {
String fileName = System.currentTimeMillis() + ".mp4";
videoPath = picPath + fileName;
mCameraP2P.startRecordLocalMp4(picPath, fileName, CameraPanelActivity.this, new OperationDelegateCallBack() {
public void onSuccess(int sessionId, int requestId, String data) {
isRecording = true;
public void onFailure(int sessionId, int requestId, int errCode) {
} else {
Constants.requestPermission(CameraPanelActivity.this, Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, Constants.EXTERNAL_STORAGE_REQ_CODE, "open_storage");
stop video recording
int stopRecordLocalMp4(OperationDelegateCallBack callBack);
Parameter | Description |
callback | result callback |
mCameraP2P.stopRecordLocalMp4(new OperationDelegateCallBack() {
public void onSuccess(int sessionId, int requestId, String data) {
public void onFailure(int sessionId, int requestId, int errCode) {
1.1.2. Video snapshot
When the video starts to play successfully (it can be live video or video playback), you can take a screenshot of the currently displayed video image.
int snapshot(String absoluteFilePath, Context context, PLAYMODE playmode, OperationDelegateCallBack callBack);
Play mode
Parameter | Description |
absoluteFilePath | Picture storage path |
context | Context |
playmode | Play mode |
callback | Result callback |
String path = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() + "/Camera/";
File file = new File(path);
if (!file.exists()) {
picPath = path;
mCameraP2P.snapshot(picPath, CameraPanelActivity.this, ICameraP2P.PLAYMODE.LIVE, new OperationDelegateCallBack() {
public void onSuccess(int sessionId, int requestId, String data) {
mHandler.sendMessage(MessageUtil.getMessage(MSG_SCREENSHOT, ARG1_OPERATE_SUCCESS, data));
public void onFailure(int sessionId, int requestId, int errCode) {
mHandler.sendMessage(MessageUtil.getMessage(MSG_SCREENSHOT, ARG1_OPERATE_FAIL));
1.1.3. Video sound
When the video is successfully played (either live or playback), the video sound can be turned on, with the default sound turned off.
int mute;
mute = previewMute == ICameraP2P.MUTE ? ICameraP2P.UNMUTE : ICameraP2P.MUTE;
mCameraP2P.setMute(ICameraP2P.PLAYMODE.LIVE, mute, new OperationDelegateCallBack() {
public void onSuccess(int sessionId, int requestId, String data) {
//data is the result value after the operation
previewMute = Integer.valueOf(data);
mHandler.sendMessage(MessageUtil.getMessage(MSG_MUTE, ARG1_OPERATE_SUCCESS));
public void onFailure(int sessionId, int requestId, int errCode) {
mHandler.sendMessage(MessageUtil.getMessage(MSG_MUTE, ARG1_OPERATE_FAIL));
1.1.4. Talk to camera
After the p2p connection is successful, the real-time calling function with the device can be enabled. Before starting talk to device, we need to ensure that the App has gained access to the phone's microphone.
Start talck
Open the audio channel from App to camera.
if (Constants.hasRecordPermission()) {
mCameraP2P.startAudioTalk(new OperationDelegateCallBack() {
public void onSuccess(int sessionId, int requestId, String data) {
isSpeaking = true;
mHandler.sendMessage(MessageUtil.getMessage(MSG_TALK_BACK_BEGIN, ARG1_OPERATE_SUCCESS));
ToastUtil.shortToast(CameraPanelActivity.this, "start talk success");
public void onFailure(int sessionId, int requestId, int errCode) {
isSpeaking = false;
mHandler.sendMessage(MessageUtil.getMessage(MSG_TALK_BACK_BEGIN, ARG1_OPERATE_FAIL));
ToastUtil.shortToast(CameraPanelActivity.this, "operation fail");
} else {
Constants.requestPermission(CameraPanelActivity.this, Manifest.permission.RECORD_AUDIO, Constants.EXTERNAL_AUDIO_REQ_CODE, "open_recording");
Stop talck
Close the audio channel from App to camera.
mCameraP2P.stopAudioTalk(new OperationDelegateCallBack() {
public void onSuccess(int sessionId, int requestId, String data) {
isSpeaking = false;
mHandler.sendMessage(MessageUtil.getMessage(MSG_TALK_BACK_OVER, ARG1_OPERATE_SUCCESS));
public void onFailure(int sessionId, int requestId, int errCode) {
isSpeaking = false;
mHandler.sendMessage(MessageUtil.getMessage(MSG_TALK_BACK_OVER, ARG1_OPERATE_FAIL));
Two-way talk
In the video live broadcast, turn on the video sound. At this time, the sound played is the human voice and environmental sound collected by the camera in real time. Then, open the sound channel from App to the camera to implement two-way talk.
Some cameras may not have speakers or pickups, and such cameras are not capable of two-way talk.
One-way talk
The one-way talk function needs the developer to implement control. When the talk is on, turn off the video sound. After the talk is off, turn on the video sound again.
1.1.5. Definition switching
In the video live, you can switch the definition (a few cameras only support one kind of definition), currently only high-definition and standard clarity two kinds of definition, and only when the video live support. A memory card video recording saves only one definition stream of video at the time of recording.
Get definition
Get the sharpness of the image transmitted from the camera.
mCameraP2P.getVideoClarity(new OperationDelegateCallBack() {
public void onSuccess(int sessionId, int requestId, String data) {
public void onFailure(int sessionId, int requestId, int errCode) {
note: After the preview screen comes out, call this function
Set Video Clarity
Set the sharpness of the image played by the camera.
Sample code
mCameraP2P.setVideoClarity(videoClarity == ICameraP2P.HD ? ICameraP2P.STANDEND : ICameraP2P.HD, new OperationDelegateCallBack() {
public void onSuccess(int sessionId, int requestId, String data) {
videoClarity = Integer.valueOf(data);
mHandler.sendMessage(MessageUtil.getMessage(MSG_GET_CLARITY, ARG1_OPERATE_SUCCESS));
public void onFailure(int sessionId, int requestId, int errCode) {
mHandler.sendMessage(MessageUtil.getMessage(MSG_GET_CLARITY, ARG1_OPERATE_FAIL));
1.1.6. Original video data
Developers can get the YUV data of video from delegate method. The pixel format type of video data is YUV 420sp.
To get the YUV data of video, you need to register a listener with ICameraPP:
void registorOnP2PCameraListener(OnP2PCameraListener listener);
OnP2PCameraListener main method:
Callback video YUV data
void onReceiveFrameYUVData(int sessionId, ByteBuffer y, ByteBuffer u, ByteBuffer v, int width, int height, int nFrameRate, int nIsKeyFrame, long timestamp, long nProgress, long nDuration, Object camera);
Parameter | Description |
sessionId | p2p session Id |
y | Video Y data |
u | Video U data |
v | Video V data |
width | Video width |
height | Video height |
timestamp | Time stamp |
nFrameRate | Frame rate |
nIsKeyFrame | Whether I frame |
nProgress | ime progress (the progress of the message center video) |
nDuration | Duration (message center video duration) |
camera | / |
p2p session status callback
void onSessionStatusChanged(Object camera, int sessionId, int sessionStatus)
Parameter | Description |
camera | / |
sessionId | session Id |
sessionStatus | Session status |