1. Scene Biz Bundle

1.1. Features

The business functions include the business logic and UI interface of "add scene" and "edit scene" of the Tuya smart scene module.

Intelligent scenes are divided into "one-key execution scenes" and "automated scenes", hereinafter referred to as "scene" and "automation", respectively.

The scenario is that the user adds an action and triggers it manually; the automation is a condition set by the user, and when the condition is triggered, the set action is automatically executed.

Tuya Cloud supports users to set weather or equipment conditions based on actual life scenarios. When the conditions are met, let one or more equipment perform the corresponding tasks.

1.2. Biz Bundle integration

1.2.1. Create project

Create your project in Android Studio, connect to the public SDK and configure it

1.2.2. module's build.gradle configuration

  android {
        defaultConfig {
          ndk {
              abiFilters "armeabi-v7a", "arm64-v8a"

      repositories {
          flatDir {
              dirs 'libs'
      compileOptions {
          sourceCompatibility 1.8
          targetCompatibility 1.8

      packagingOptions {
          pickFirst 'lib/*/libc++_shared.so'

    lintOptions {
          abortOnError false
    dependencies {
        implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
        //scene require start
        implementation 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:28.0.0'
        implementation "com.android.support:recyclerview-v7:28.0.0"
        implementation "com.android.support:cardview-v7:28.0.0"
        implementation "com.android.support:design:28.0.0"
        implementation 'com.tuya.smart:tuyasmart:3.17.6-beta2'
        implementation 'com.tuya.smart:tuyasmart-appshell:3.10.0'
        implementation "com.tuya.smart:tuyasmart-base:3.17.0r139-rc.3"
        implementation 'com.tuya.smart:tuyasmart-stencilwrapper:'
        implementation 'com.tuya.smart:tuyasmart-stencilmodel:3.17.0r139-rc.2'
        implementation "com.tuya.smart:tuyasmart-framework:"
        implementation 'com.tuya.smart:tuyasmart-uispecs:0.0.9'
        implementation 'jp.wasabeef:recyclerview-animators:2.2.4'
        implementation 'com.alibaba:fastjson:1.1.67.android'
        implementation 'com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp-urlconnection:3.12.3'
        implementation 'io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxandroid:2.1.1'
        implementation 'io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxjava:2.2.9'
        implementation 'com.facebook.fresco:fresco:1.13.0'
        implementation 'com.facebook.fresco:imagepipeline-okhttp3:1.3.0'
        implementation 'com.tuya.smart:tuyasmart-uiadapter:3.13.3r129-rc.4'
        implementation 'com.google.android:flexbox:0.2.5'
        implementation 'com.facebook.fbui.textlayoutbuilder:textlayoutbuilder:1.4.0'
        implementation 'com.tuya.smart:react-native:'
        implementation 'com.tuya.smart:tuyasmart-tuya-mist-litho-base:3.13.0r127-rc.7'
        implementation 'com.tuya.android:mist-litho:1.3.31'
        implementation 'com.tuya.android:mist-litho-fresco:1.3.30'
        implementation 'com.tuya.android:mist-litho-sections-widget:1.3.30'
        implementation 'com.tuya.android:mist-litho-widget:1.3.30'
        implementation 'com.tuya.android:mist-litho-sections-core:1.3.30'
        implementation 'com.tuya.android:mist-litho-annotation:1.0.0'
        implementation 'com.tuya.android:mist-litho-core:1.3.30'
        implementation 'com.tuya.smart:tuyasmart-scene:3.17.6r141-rc.15'
        implementation 'com.tuya.smart:tuyasmart-scene-business-api:3.17.6r141-rc.1'
        //scene require end      

1.2.3. Initialize operation in Application

   SoLoader.init(this, false);
   MistConfig config = new MistConfig();
   MistCore.getInstance().init(config, this);

1.3. Service Agreement

1.3.1. Provide services

The scene biz bundle implements ITuyaSceneBusinessService to provide services.


 //Get scene bizbundle service
ITuyaSceneBusinessService iTuyaSceneBusinessService = MicroContext.findServiceByInterface(ITuyaSceneBusinessService.class.getName());

1.3.2. Create Scene

Enter the scene adding page by getting the family ID


Go to create scene page

ITuyaSceneBusinessService.addScene(Activity activity, long homeId, int requestCode);;


Parameter Description
activity Activity Object
homeId The family ID is obtained through the home SDK interface
requestCode Request code, bring back in onActivityResult


if(null != iTuyaSceneBusinessService && HOME_ID != 0){
            iTuyaSceneBusinessService.addScene(activity, homeId, requestCode);

1.3.3. Edit Scene

Enter scene edit page by obtaining scene data and family ID


Enter edit scene

ITuyaSceneBusinessService.editScene(Activity activity, long homeId,SceneBean sceneBean, int requestCode);;


Parameter Description
activity Activity Object
homeId The family ID is obtained through the home SDK interface
SceneBean Scene data object, obtained through SDK Get Scene List interface
requestCode Request code, bring back in onActivityResult


TuyaHomeSdk.getSceneManagerInstance().getSceneList(homeId, new ITuyaResultCallback<List<SceneBean>>() {
            public void onSuccess(List<SceneBean> result) {
                    SceneBean sceneBean = result.get(0);
                    if(null != iTuyaSceneBusinessService){
                        iTuyaSceneBusinessService.editScene(SceneActivity.this, homeId, sceneBean, requestCode);

            public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {


1.3.4. Set geographic location

The conditions of the scene and the effective time period need to set the geographic location of the app. If it is not set, the city information will not be automatically obtained when the condition is selected, but it can still be selected on the city list.


Set scene conditions‘s location

ITuyaSceneBusinessService.setAppLocatione(double longitude, double latitude);


Parameter Description
longitude Longitude,Long-distance business app provides access to related tripartite maps
latitude Latitude,Provide relevant three-party maps for self-service access


if(null != iTuyaSceneBusinessService){           
    iTuyaSceneBusinessService.setAppLocation(lng, lat);

1.3.5. Set App Map Class

The geographical location in the scene conditions, if you do not need a foreign account, you do not need to call, you need to set the map category in the foreign account, do not set the default to get the domestic city interface


Set App Map Class

ITuyaSceneBusinessService.setMapActivity(Class activity);


Parameter Description
Class Map Activity class object


if(null != iTuyaSceneBusinessService){


1.3.6. Save map selection data

After accessing the map class, you need to send the map selection data to the service package to update the conditional geographic location information


Set up map data

ITuyaSceneBusinessService.saveMapData(double longitude, double latitude,String city, String address);


Parameter Description
longitude longitude
latitude latitude
city city
address address


if(null != iTuyaSceneBusinessService){    
   iTuyaSceneBusinessService.saveMapData(lng, lat, city, address);

results matching ""

    No results matching ""