1. OTA BizBundle

1.1. Features

Device OTA refers to the process of downloading and updating the firmware of the device through the network. The OTA biz bundle can help you quickly integrate the device firmware upgrade capabilities.

1.2. BizBundle integration

1.2.1. Create project

Create your project in Android Studio, connect to the public SDK and configure Biz Bundle Framework.

1.2.2. Module's build.gradle configuration

dependencies {
  implementation 'com.tuya.smart:tuyasmart-bizbundle-ota:3.22.0-6'

1.3. Function use

1.3.1. OTA availability

Determine whether the current device supports firmware upgrade capability.


boolean isSupportUpgrade(String devId);


Parameters Description
devId Device ID


AbsOtaCallerService absOtaCallerService = MicroContext.getServiceManager().findServiceByInterface(AbsOtaCallerService.class.getName());
        if (absOtaCallerService != null) {
            if (absOtaCallerService.isSupportUpgrade(devId)) {
                // support ota
            } else {
                // can not support ota ability

1.3.2. Go to the OTA page

If the current device supports the firmware upgrade capability, you can go to the firmware upgrade page and start the upgrade process.


void goFirmwareUpgrade(Context context, String devId);


Parameters Description
context Activity context
devId Device ID


AbsOtaCallerService absOtaCallerService = MicroContext.getServiceManager().findServiceByInterface(AbsOtaCallerService.class.getName());
        if (absOtaCallerService != null) {
            if (absOtaCallerService.isSupportUpgrade(devId)) {
                absOtaCallerService.goFirmwareUpgrade(this, devId);
            } else {
                // This device can not support ota

1.3.3. Customize logic of exiting the OTA page

For devices that support forced upgrades, if they are in the upgrading state, the biz bundle supports custom logic of exiting the OTA page. For example, during the firmware upgrade process, a forced upgrade device may need to return to the home page instead of directly returning to the previous page.


void setOtaBehaviorListener(IOtaBehaviorListener callback);


Parameters Description
IOtaBehaviorListener Behavior callback during firmware upgrade


AbsOtaCallerService absOtaCallerService = MicroContext.getServiceManager()
absOtaCallerService.setOtaBehaviorListener(new IOtaBehaviorListener() {
                public void onBackPressedWhenForceUpgrading(Activity activity) {
                      if (activity != null) {
                      // do something after ota page closed

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