1. IPC Device bizBundle

1.1. Features

TuyaSmart Android IPC biz Bundle (referred to as: TuyaCameraPanelSDK ) is a series of panel SDKs related to camera functions developed based on Tuya Smart Camera SDK. It mainly includes the following functions:

  • Preview panel, playback panel, cloud storage panel, message center panel, album panel, settings panel.

IPC biz Bundle already contains the same version of IPC SDK, so there is no need to add SDK related dependencies again (to avoid conflicts between different versions)

1.1.1. Integrated SDK

  1. Access service package framework

  2. Configure build.gradle in the module directory, add the dependencies:

   dependencies {
      implementation 'com.tuya.smart:tuyasmart-bizbundle-camera:3.20.0-7'

1.2. Function

TuyaCameraPanelSDK is an external public interface of Tuya Smart Camera Panel SDK, which includes jump and custom implementation of multiple panels.

Please refer to the demo procedure to configure a successful camera and perform operations related to the camera panel.

TuyaSmartBizbundle Demo

1.2.1. Native Preview Panel

Camera native preview panel, including real-time video preview, sharpness switch, sound switch control, screenshot, recording, intercom and other functions, motion detection, PTZ direction control, favorite point addition / deletion, cruise control, etc.


The panel jumps through the route. The routing address is camera_ panel_2


Parameter Description
extra_camera_uuid device id


  Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
  bundle.putString("extra_camera_uuid", devId);
  UrlBuilder urlBuilder = new UrlBuilder(context, "camera_panel_2").putExtras(bundle);

1.2.2. RN Preview Panel

Camera RN preview panel, packaged in TuyaPanelSDK, refer to Device Control


AbsPanelCallerService.goPanelWithCheckAndTip() to jump to the RN panel

 AbsPanelCallerService service = MicroContext.getServiceManager().findServiceByInterface(AbsPanelCallerService.class.getName());
 service.goPanelWithCheckAndTip(IPCPanelActivity.this, bean.getDevId());

1.2.3. Playback Panel

The camera playback panel displays the video saved on the camera storage device, including video playback, playback date selection, video drag and play with time axis, play / pause, sound control, screenshot, recording and other functions


The panel jumps through the route. The routing address is camera_playback_panel


Parameter Description
extra_camera_uuid Device id


Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putExtra("extra_camera_uuid", deviceId);
UrlBuilder urlBuilder = new UrlBuilder(context,"camera_playback_panel").putExtras(bundle);

1.2.4. Cloud Storage Panel

The camera's cloud storage panel displays recorded cloud videos recorded after the cloud storage function is enabled. Including video cloud storage playback, cloud storage date selection, video drag and play with time axis, play / pause, sound control, screenshot, recording and other functions, and motion detection data list display.


The panel jumps through the route. The routing address is camera_cloud_panel


Parameter Description
extra_camera_uuid Device id
timeRangeBean Cloud storage of a piece of data's position from the last day ,not necessary


Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putExtra("extra_camera_uuid", deviceId);
UrlBuilder urlBuilder = new UrlBuilder(context,"camera_cloud_panel").putExtras(bundle);

1.2.5. Message-Center Panel

The camera message center panel includes all kinds of messages generated during the recording process of the camera. It is displayed by date and message type. The message category supports pictures, videos, and pure audio. It can be previewed and deleted.


The panel jumps through the route. The routing address is camera_message_panel


Parameter Description
extra_camera_uuid device id


Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putExtra("extra_camera_uuid", deviceId);
UrlBuilder urlBuilder = new UrlBuilder(context,"camera_message_panel").putExtras(bundle);

1.2.6. Album Panel

The camera album panel shows the files saved according to the device id. These files are local screenshots and recorded videos during the camera preview / playback / cloud video playback process. Can perform preview, single delete, delete all operations.


The panel jumps through the route. The routing address is camera_local_video_photo


Parameter Description
extra_camera_uuid Device id


Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putExtra("extra_camera_uuid", deviceId);
UrlBuilder urlBuilder = new UrlBuilder(context,"camera_local_video_photo").putExtras(bundle);

1.2.7. Doorbell Panel

The camera doorbell answer panel displays the doorbell message interface that is pushed over, including the basic information of the doorbell, real-time screenshot, answer, and hang up functions; it will enter the camera preview panel after the answer is successful


The panel jumps through the route. The routing address is camera_door_bell


Parameter Description
devId device id,It is usually extracted from the message pushed


Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putString("devId", deviceId);
UrlBuilder urlBuilder = new UrlBuilder(MicroContext.getApplication(), "camera_door_bell").putExtras(bundle);

1.2.8. Video Doorbell Panel

The camera video stream doorbell answer panel displays the real-time video stream doorbell message interface that is pushed over, including doorbell status information, answering, and hang-up functions; the doorbell answering timeliness, dwell time < 25s, and real-time video call after successful answer.


The panel jumps through the route. The routing address is camera_action_doorbell


Parameter Description
extra_camera_uuid device id,it is usually extracted from the message pushed
doorbell_start_time Long type, which indicates the start time of pressing the doorbell. The doorbell answering panel counts from the time of pressing, and the stay time is 25s (actually < 25s)


Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putString("extra_camera_uuid", deviceId);
bundle.putLong("doorbell_start_time", startTime);
UrlBuilder urlBuilder = new UrlBuilder(MicroContext.getApplication(),  "camera_action_doorbell").putExtras(bundle);

1.2.9. Set Panel

Camera settings panel, which can be configured and displayed through the background dp point(Tuya Smart Camera SDK - Equipment function point),include:

  • device name and icon
  • device information(owner,ip,device id, device time zone,wifi signal)
  • base setting(Privacy switch, basic function settings, infrared night vision function, picture quality adjustment (brightness, contrast), working mode, etc.)
  • Advanced settings (detection alarm setting, PIR switch, power management setting, bell setting, siren adjustment, video layout, pre-point setting, etc.)
  • Storage settings (SD card capacity management, formatting, etc.)
  • Value-added services (cloud storage purchase, etc.)
  • Offline reminder
  • Other (Frequently Asked Questions)
  • reboot device
  • Remove device


The panel jumps through the route. The routing address is camera_panel_more


Parameter Description
extra_camera_uuid device id


Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putString("extra_camera_uuid", deviceId);
UrlBuilder urlBuilder = new UrlBuilder(context, panel).putExtras(bundle);

Note: if it is found that the configuration route cannot enter the settings page, please contact the corresponding project manager to confirm whether it is the new settings panel

1.2.10. Theme Style

Themes include two types: black and white, support the Playback Panel, Cloud Storage Panel, Settings Panel, Message-Center Panel and Local Album panel of Tuya Smart Camera


Users can set the theme through CameraUIThemeUtils.setCurrentThemeId(@ThemeIDs int themeIDs) method

  CameraUIThemeUtils.setCurrentThemeId(@ThemeIDs int themeIDs);


Parameter Description
themeId ThemeIDs annotation:BLACK_THEME_ID; WHITE_THEME_ID



Called when the panel enters. The global influence is set. Preview panel is not supported

1.2.11. PanelSDK customization

TuyaSmartCameraPanelBizBundle supports user-defined configuration panel. If users implement the panel function by themselves, please refer to Tuya Smart Camera SDK

The BizBundle has integrated with the SDK. When developing with reference to the SDK document, the version should be aligned with the BizBundle.


Enter the assets folder of the app and find the service configuration file module_ app.json , find the route address to be intercepted for deletion, and capture the deleted route for custom jump.


customize the implementation settings page

  1. Find the set routing address "camera panel more" to delete.


  2. Refer to Integration , get the unfulfilled routing address and jump to the corresponding page

    TuyaWrapper.init(this, new RouteEventListener() {
           public void onFaild(int errorCode, UrlBuilder urlBuilder) {
               // urlBuilder.originUrl
               ToastUtil.shortToast(TuyaPanelSDK.getCurrentActivity(), urlBuilder.originUrl);
       },new ServiceEventListener() {
            public void onFaild(String serviceName) {
                Log.e("service not implement", serviceName);

1.2.12. Routing table

Routing target Description
camera_panel_2 Native Preview Panel
camera_playback_panel Playback Panel
camera_cloud_panel Cloud Storage Panel
camera_message_panel Message-Center Panel
camera_door_bell Doorbell Panel
doorbell_camera_panel Doorbell Preview Panel
doorbell_camera_playback_panel Doorbell Playback Panel
camera_action_doorbell Video Doorbell Panel
camera_panel_more Set Panel
dev_base_info Set - Modify Device Name
camera_panel_info Set - DeviceInfo
helpCenter Set - Feedback feedback bizBundle
dev_share_edit Set - Device Sharing
not_share_support_help Set - Device Not Support Sharing
AbsCameraOTAService Set - Firmware Information, you need to implement the checkupgradefirmware method of this service

Some functions on the settings panel need to be implemented by yourself.

1.2.13. Modify Device information

Modify device name

Developers can modify camera device name


Call renameDevice () under TuyaHomeSdk to modify the device name

  TuyaHomeSdk.newDeviceInstance(deviceId).renameDevice(String deviceName, IResultCallback callback);


Parameter Description
deviceId device id
deviceName device renamed name
callback IResultCallback interface,device rename success / failure callback


   * @param context
   * @param deviceId      
   * @param deviceName   
  public void renameDevice(final Context context, String deviceId, String deviceName) {
      ITuyaDevice mDevice = TuyaHomeSdk.newDeviceInstance(deviceId);
      mDevice.renameDevice(deviceName, new IResultCallback() {
          public void onError(String code, String error) {


          public void onSuccess() {


Modify device icon

Users can modify the camera icon by themselves.


Call modifyDeviceImg () under TuyaHomeSdk to modify the device icon

  DeviceInfoRepository deviceInfoRepository = new DeviceInfoRepositoryImpl(context);
  ModifyDevInfoInteractor mModifyDevInfoInteractor = new ModifyDevInfoInteractorImpl(deviceInfoRepository);
  mModifyDevInfoInteractor.modifyDeviceImg( deviceId,  deviceName, imageFile,  callback);


Parameter Description
deviceId device id
imageFile File , Indicates the image file to be uploaded
deviceName device name,Available through DeviceBean in the TuyaHomeSdk
callback ModifyDevInfoInteractor.ModifyDeviceImgCallback interface,uploaded image file success / failure callback


   * modify icon
   * @param context
   * @param deviceId     
   * @param iconFilePath
  public void uploadIcon(final Context context, String deviceId, String iconFilePath) {
      DeviceBean deviceBean = TuyaHomeSdk.getDataInstance().getDeviceBean(deviceId);
      String panelName = "";
      if (deviceBean != null) {
          panelName = deviceBean.getName();
      DeviceInfoRepository deviceInfoRepository = new DeviceInfoRepositoryImpl(context);
      ModifyDevInfoInteractor mModifyDevInfoInteractor = new ModifyDevInfoInteractorImpl(deviceInfoRepository);

      mModifyDevInfoInteractor.modifyDeviceImg(deviceId, panelName, new File(iconFilePath),
              new ModifyDevInfoInteractor.ModifyDeviceImgCallback() {
                  public void onModifyDeviceImgSuccess(String url) {


                  public void onModifyDeviceImgFailure() {


1.2.14. Tuya Message Push Assistant Protocol 43

With the APP process alive, in order to improve the timeliness and success rate of push messages, Tuya Smart Camera has opened a message push assistant protocol.

  • Users implement their own access to push channels, refer to Tuya Smart Home SDK system push message
  • Register for Tuya push message monitoring, get the push message from the callback, and follow up

Message body format definition example:

"a": "view",
"c": "action",
"cc": "someone is ringing the bell.",
"ct": "fcm You have a visitor",
"devId": "6cfaf335a8d6e752e0wrpy",
"msgId": "4da4dcf61573555995",
"p": {
"media": 13
"specialChannel": false,
"ts": "1573555995000",
"type": "doorbell"

Register and logout listening

Register after the account is successfully logged in, and log out when the account is logged out


The Tuya push assistant protocol needs to register for monitoring after the account login is successful, and log out when the account is logged out.


The Tuya push assistant protocol needs to register for monitoring after the account login is successful, and log out when the account is logged out.

TuyaHomeSdk.getCameraInstance().registerCameraPushListener(ITuyaGetBeanCallback<CameraPushDataBean> callback)

TuyaHomeSdk.getCameraInstance().unRegisterCameraPushListener(ITuyaGetBeanCallback<CameraPushDataBean> callback)


Parameter Description
callback ITuyaGetBeanCallback interface, monitor callback push messages, CameraPushDataBean encapsulates push messages

CameraPushDataBean Data Model

Field Type Description
devId String device id
timestamp Integer timestamp of push message
etype String message type
edata String message id


private ITuyaHomeCamera homeCamera;
private static ITuyaGetBeanCallback<CameraPushDataBean> mTuyaGetBeanCallback = new ITuyaGetBeanCallback<CameraPushDataBean>() {
    public void onResult(CameraPushDataBean o) {
        L.d(TAG, "onMqtt_43_Result on callback");
        L.d(TAG, "timestamp=" + o.getTimestamp());
        L.d(TAG, "devid=" + o.getDevId());
        L.d(TAG, "msgid=" + o.getEdata());
        L.d(TAG, "msgtype=" + o.getEtype());

 * Register listening after successful account login
public void registerCameraPushListener() {
    homeCamera = TuyaHomeSdk.getCameraInstance();
    if (homeCamera != null) {

 * Logout listening after account logout
public void unRegisterCameraPushListener() {
    if (homeCamera != null) {


  1. When the app process is killed, the listener is invalid. After the app logs in successfully, register for monitoring; the app logs out and cancels the monitoring
  2. To avoid repeated push messages (user own channel pushed, generated by Tuya assist protocol), you can filter by message id, message type, and message arrival time

1.2.15. Multi-language configuration in the panel


results matching ""

    No results matching ""