1. Device details bizBundle

1.1. Features

  • Device information editing (device avatar, room, name)
  • Device information query (ID, signal, etc.)
  • Alternate network Settings
  • Offline reminder function
  • Remove device
  • Frequently asked questions and feedback (need access to help Center business package)
  • Check firmware upgrade (OTA business package is required)

1.2. Biz Bundle integration

1.2.1. Create project

  • Create your project in Android Studio, connect to the public SDK and configure Biz Bundle Framework.
  • Assets of the main project under the directory,add configList.jsonconfiguration file.If the file already exists,add deviceDetail in configlist.json.The specific configuration is entered below:
  "deviceDetail": [
      "type": "header"
      "type": "device_info"
      "type": "device_net_info"
      "type": "off_line_warn"
      "type": "section_other"
      "type": "empty",
      "height": 10
      "type": "footer"

Note that the order of 'deviceDetail type' affects the order in which the deviceDetail page subfunctions are displayed.If the Type is removed, the device detail page subfunction is removed accordingly.

deviceDetail type function
header view or modify device icons, names, and locations
device_info device information
device_net_info device backup network
off_line_warn device offline reminder
section_other section header,no actual function
help_and_feedback frequently asked questions and feedback,you need to integrate the FAQ and feedback business package
check_firmware_update check firmware upgrade,you need to integrate firmware upgrade business package
empty empty view,no actual function
footer remove the device

1.2.2. Module's build.gradle configuration

dependencies {
  implementation 'com.tuya.smart:tuyasmart-bizbundle-panelmore:3.22.0-6'

1.3. Function use


Parameters Description
extra_panel_dev_id Device ID
extra_panel_name Device name


UrlBuilder urlBuilder = new UrlBuilder(PanelMoreActivity.this, "panelMore");
String devId = edt.getText().toString().trim();
DeviceBean deviceBean = TuyaHomeSdk.getDataInstance().getDeviceBean(devId);
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();

1.4. Custom subfunctions

  • The deviceDetail of the configlist. json file inserts the custom type. Note that the type value must start with "C_".
{"deviceDetail": [
      "type": "header"
      "type": "device_info"
      "type": "device_net_info"
      "type": "off_line_warn"
      "type": "section_other"
      "type": "empty",
      "height": 10
      "type": "footer"
  • Implement AbsPanelMoreExpandService.
Implement a click event for a custom type.


    public abstract void devClickItem(Context context, int action, DeviceBean deviceBean, boolean isAdmin);


Parameters Description
context android context
action Click on the event identifier
deviceBean Device information
isAdmin Administrator or not


    public void devClickItem(Context context, int action, TextBean data, DeviceBean deviceBean, boolean isAdmin) {
        if(action == R.id.action_test_insert){
            // Complementary subfunction
Synchronously insert subfunction items


    public abstract IMenuBean insertDevMenuItem(Context context, String type, boolean isAdmin, DeviceBean deviceBean, float order);


Parameters Description
context android context
type Type defined in configList
isAdmin Administrator or not
deviceBean Device information
order Type is in the configList position and is used to generate the ImenuBean


    public IMenuBean insertDevMenuItem(Context context, String type, boolean isAdmin, DeviceBean deviceBean, float order) {
        if(isAdmin && TextUtils.equals(type,"c_test_insert")){
          return new  IMenuBean("title","subtitle","1",

        return null;
Asynchronous insertion of subfunction item


    public abstract void insertDevMenuItemAsync(Context context, String type, boolean isAdmin, DeviceBean deviceBean, float order, IMenuItemCallback callback);


Parameters Description
context android context
type Type defined in configList
isAdmin Administrator or not
deviceBean Device information
order Type is in the configList position and is used to generate the ImenuBean
IMenuItemCallback Used to insert a subfunction item


    public void insertDevMenuItemAsync(Context context, String type, boolean isAdmin, DeviceBean deviceBean, float order, IMenuItemCallback callback) {
        if(isAdmin && TextUtils.equals(type,"c_test_async_insert")){
            Handler handler = new Handler();
            handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    callback.setMenuItem( new  IMenuBean("async_title","async_subtitle","0",
IMenuBean,a wrapper class for the Item subfunction


Parameters Description
title Title
subTitle Subtitle
click Currently only the string "1" is supported
target Click on the event identifier
order Type is in the configList position and is used to generate the ImenuBean


new  IMenuBean("title","subtitle","1",java.lang.String.valueOf(R.id.action_test_insert),order);
IMenuItemCallback,asynchronous insert subfunctionality


void setMenuItem(IMenuBean item);


Parameters Description
IMenuBean A wrapper class for the Item subfunction


 callback.setMenuItem(new IMenuBean("async_title","async_subtitle","0",
  • Register AbsPanelMoreExpandService implementation class,it is suggested that this method is invoked in the application#onCreate
    TuyaWrapper.registerService(AbsPanelMoreExpandService.class, new PanelMoreExpandServiceImpl());

results matching ""

    No results matching ""