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1. Scene BizBundle

1.1. Features Overview

Smart divides into scene or automation actions.

Scene is a condition that users add actions and it is triggered manually; Automation action is a action set by users, and the set action is automatically executed when the condition is triggered.

The Tuya Cloud allows users to set meteorological or device conditions based on actual scenes in life, and if conditions are met, one or multiple devices will carry out corresponding tasks.

1.2. Integrate

Add the TuyaSmartSceneBizBundle in the project's Podfile file and execute thepod update command

source ""
source ''

target 'your_target_name' do
  pod 'TuyaSmartSceneBizBundle'


The weather information in the scene will use location information, which will involve part of Apple's privacy statement.

  • Add the following permission statement in the project's info.plist:

1.3. Service Protocol

1.3.1. Provide Service

BizBundle provide services of TYSmartSceneProtocol.h and TYSmartSceneBizProtocol.h in TYModuleServices component as follows:

The contents of the TYSmartSceneProtocol.h file in the TYModuleServices component are:

@protocol TYSmartSceneProtocol <NSObject>
 *    Jump to the add new scene page, add new scene or automation
 * @param callback Result callback after creation
- (void)addAutoScene:(void(^)(TuyaSmartSceneModel *secneModel, BOOL addSuccess))callback;
 *     Jump to edit scene page, edit specified scene or automation.
 *  Note that before calling this method, you need to call the getSceneListWithHomeId: method of TYSmartSceneBizProtocol to get the list of scenes in the family, so that the scene cache will be generated, and then you can jump into the editing page normally.
 * @param model The scene model object to be edited
- (void)editScene:(TuyaSmartSceneModel *)model;


The contents of the TYSmartSceneBizProtocol.h file in the TYModuleServices component are:

 * Get a list of scenes, including automation and scenes
 * @param  homeId 
- (void)getSceneListWithHomeId:(long long)homeId withSuccess:(void(^)(NSArray <TuyaSmartSceneModel *> *scenes))success failure:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

1.3.2. Dependent Services

The scene biz bundle rely on the protocol method provided by the TYSmartHomeDataProtocol protocol. Before calling method in 'TYSmartSceneBizProtocol' and TYSmartSceneProtocol , the following protocol needs to be implemented:


Provide the current family information required to load the device panel,

must be implemented

 Get the current family. If there is no family, return nil.

 @return TuyaSmartHome
- (TuyaSmartHome *)getCurrentHome;


Provide the administrator identity information required by the scene biz bundle. You can just return YES to allow all user to edit scene.

 * Whether it is the administrator of the current family.
 * @return YES means user's role in current home is administrator.
- (BOOL)homeAdminValidation;

1.4. Guidance

1.4.1. Attention

  1. Make sure that the user is logged in before using any interface.

  2. Before using bizbundle, you need to implement the protocol method getCurrentHome in TYSmartHomeDataProtocol and the protocol method homeAdminValidation in TYSmartHouseIndexProtocol first.

  3. To use swift, you need to add the bizbundle header file in the bridge file.

    #import <TuyaSmartBizCore/TuyaSmartBizCore.h>
    #import <TYModuleServices/TYModuleServices.h>
    #import <TuyaSmartSceneKit/TuyaSmartSceneModel.h>


#import <TuyaSmartBizCore/TuyaSmartBizCore.h>
#import <TYModuleServices/TYSmartHomeDataProtocol.h>

- (void)registerProtocol {
    // Register the protocol to be implemented
    [[TuyaSmartBizCore sharedInstance] registerService:@protocol(TYSmartHomeDataProtocol) withInstance:self];
    [[TuyaSmartBizCore sharedInstance] registerService:@protocol(TYSmartHouseIndexProtocol) withInstance:self];

// Implement protocol method
- (TuyaSmartHome *)getCurrentHome {
    TuyaSmartHome *home = [TuyaSmartHome homeWithHomeId:@"current homeId"];
    return home;
- (BOOL)homeAdminValidation {
    //Return value according to the actual user role, or directly return YES to allow all users to edit.
    return YES;


class TYSceneTest: NSObject,TYSmartHomeDataProtocol,TYSmartHouseIndexProtocol {
    func test() {
        TuyaSmartBizCore.sharedInstance().registerService(TYSmartHomeDataProtocol.self, withInstance: self);
        TuyaSmartBizCore.sharedInstance().registerService(TYSmartHouseIndexProtocol.self, withInstance: self);

    func getCurrentHome() -> TuyaSmartHome! {
        let home = TuyaSmartHome.init(homeId: 111)
        return home

    func homeAdminValidation() -> Bool {
        return true

1.4.2. Add Scene


#import <TuyaSmartBizCore/TuyaSmartBizCore.h>
#import <TYModuleServices/TYSmartSceneProtocol.h>

- (void)gotoAddScene {
    id<TYSmartSceneProtocol> impl = [[TuyaSmartBizCore sharedInstance] serviceOfProtocol:@protocol(TYSmartSceneProtocol)];
    [impl1 addAutoScene:^(TuyaSmartSceneModel *secneModel, BOOL addSuccess) {



func addScene() {
    let impl = TuyaSmartBizCore.sharedInstance().service(of: TYSmartSceneProtocol.self) as? TYSmartSceneProtocol
    impl?.addAutoScene({ (sceneModel, result) in


1.4.3. Edit Scene


#import <TuyaSmartBizCore/TuyaSmartBizCore.h>
#import <TYModuleServices/TYSmartSceneProtocol.h>

- (void)gotoEditScene {
    id<TYSmartSceneProtocol> impl = [[TuyaSmartBizCore sharedInstance] serviceOfProtocol:@protocol(TYSmartSceneProtocol)];
    [impl editScene:(your sceneModel)];


func editScene() {
    let impl = TuyaSmartBizCore.sharedInstance().service(of: TYSmartSceneProtocol.self) as? TYSmartSceneProtocol
    impl?.editScene(your scenemodel)


1.4.4. Get the list of scenes


#import <TuyaSmartBizCore/TuyaSmartBizCore.h>
#import <TYModuleServices/TYSmartSceneBizProtocol.h>

- (void)getSceneList {
    id<TYSmartSceneBizProtocol> impl = [[TuyaSmartBizCore sharedInstance] serviceOfProtocol:@protocol(TYSmartSceneBizProtocol)];
    [impl getSceneListWithHomeId:'your homeId' withSuccess:^(NSArray<TuyaSmartSceneModel *> * _Nonnull scenes) {

    } failure:^(NSError * _Nonnull error) {



func getSceneList() {
    let impl = TuyaSmartBizCore.sharedInstance().service(of: TYSmartSceneBizProtocol.self) as? TYSmartSceneBizProtocol
       impl?.getSceneList(withHomeId: 111, withSuccess: { (sceneArr) in

       }, failure: { (error) in


1.4.5. NotificationCenter


Timing of notification:

  1. Added scene successfully
  2. Edit scene successfully
  3. Delete scene successfully ( Bizbundle default scene types are TuyaSmartSceneRecommendTypeNone and TuyaSmartSceneCollectionTypeNone )


Timing of notification:

  1. Added scene successfully
  2. Edit scene successfully


Timing of notification:

  1. Delete scene successfully ( Recommend scene or Collection type )

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