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1. House Management

1.1. Features

The family biz bundle mainly includes business such as family, member, room, etc., which are the basic conditions for the management of the devices after devices are activated. The device can set the room where the device is located in the family after the device configuration, meanwhile, the family members who have different authority under the family correspond to different operation authority, and the family is also the largest unit of scene intelligence execution.

1.2. Integrate

Add the TuyaSmartFamilyBizBundle in the project's Podfile file and execute the pod update command

source ""
source ''

target 'your_target_name' do
  # TuyaSmart SDK
  pod "TuyaSmartHomeKit"
  # House Management
  pod 'TuyaSmartFamilyBizBundle', '~> 3.22.0'

1.3. Service Protocol

1.3.1. Service Provided By BizBundle

House Management implements TYFamilyProtocolto provide services,View theTYFamilyProtocol.h file in the TYModuleServices as follows:

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

typedef void(^DoneActionBlock)(NSString *changedName);

/// Family Management Service
@protocol TYFamilyProtocol <NSObject>


/// jump to Family Management ViewController
- (void)gotoFamilyManagement;


1.4. User Guidance

1.4.1. Precautions

  1. Before using any method, be sure to confirm that the user is logged in.

1.4.2. goto family management page


#import <TYModuleServices/TYModuleServices.h>
#import <TuyaSmartBizCore/TuyaSmartBizCore.h>

id<TYFamilyProtocol> impl = [[TuyaSmartBizCore sharedInstance] serviceOfProtocol:@protocol(TYFamilyProtocol)];
if ([impl respondsToSelector:@selector(gotoFamilyManagement)]) {
    [impl gotoFamilyManagement];


guard let impl = TuyaSmartBizCore.sharedInstance().service(of: TYFamilyProtocol.self) as? TYFamilyProtocol else {

1.4.3. Invite family members


You can invite family members to join your smart house by add memberability in house settingpage, there are two methods to invite members:

  1. invite by Tuya account
  2. invite by invitation code

accept/refuse invitation

  1. You can input the invitation code at page Home Management->Join a home to accept the invitation

  2. You can accept or refuse the invitation at the page Home Management, when you enter the page , there will be the home invitation row at the list , click the row to handle the invitation

You may be want implement the delegate of TuyaSmartHomeManager to handle invitation in realtime, then pop an invitation alert to handle the invitation.

- (void)homeManager:(TuyaSmartHomeManager *)manager didAddHome:(TuyaSmartHomeModel *)home;

To judge if the home is an invitation or not, you can see the dealStatus of TuyaSmartHomeModel

typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, TYHomeStatus) {
    TYHomeStatusPending = 1,      /**< Not deciding whether to join the home */
    TYHomeStatusAccept,           /**< The invitee has agreed to join the home */
    TYHomeStatusReject            /**< The invitee have refused to join the home */

Demo Objective-C code:

TuyaSmartHomeManager *manager = [TuyaSmartHomeManager new];
manager.delegate = self;

//next is the implementation of delegation

- (void)homeManager:(TuyaSmartHomeManager *)manager didAddHome:(TuyaSmartHomeModel *)homeModel {
    if (homeModel.dealStatus <= TYHomeStatusPending && > 0) {
    ///pop the invitation alert

    ///accept invitation
    TuyaSmartHome *home = [TuyaSmartHome homeWithHomeId:homeModel.homeId];
    [home joinFamilyWithAccept:YES success:^(BOOL result) {} failure:^(NSError *error) {}];

    ///refuse invitation
    [home joinFamilyWithAccept:NO success:^(BOOL result) {} failure:^(NSError *error) {}];

Demo Swift code:

let manager = TuyaSmartHomeManager()
manager.delegate = self

//next is the implementation of delegation

func homeManager(_ manager: TuyaSmartHomeManager!, didAddHome homeModel: TuyaSmartHomeModel!) {
    if (homeModel.dealStatus.rawValue <= TYHomeStatus.pending.rawValue) && ( == false) {
        ///pop the invitation alert

        ///accept invitation
        let home = TuyaSmartHome(homeId: homeModel.homeId)
        home?.joinFamily(withAccept: true, success: { (result) in

        }, failure: { (error) in


        ///refuse invitation
        home?.joinFamily(withAccept: false, success: { (result) in

        }, failure: { (error) in



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