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1. Device Control BizBundle

1.1. Features Overview

  • Tuya Smart iOS Device Control BizBundle is the core container of Tuya Smart Device Control Panel, based on the Tuya Smart iOS Home SDK, it provides the interface package for loading and controlling the device control panel to speed up the application development process. It mainly includes the following functions:
    • Load Device Panel (Supported hardware device type: WIFI、Zigbee、Mesh、BLE)
    • Device Panel Control (Supported Device and Group Control, Unsupported Group Manager)
    • Device Alarm

1.2. Integrate

Add the TuyaSmartPanelBizBundle in the project's Podfile file and execute thepod update command

source ""
source ''

target 'your_target_name' do
  # TuyaSmart SDK
  pod "TuyaSmartHomeKit"
  # Add Device Control BizBundle
  pod 'TuyaSmartPanelBizBundle', ''
  # If you need the sweeper, please rely on the relevant plug-in of the sweeper
  # pod 'TuyaRNApi/Sweeper', '5.29.62-Bizbundle.3.20.0-1'


The Device Control BizBundle encapsulates a series of RN interfaces for the panel to call, which will involve some of Apple's privacy rights statements.

  • If the connected device panel is related to the use of photo albums (for example: cloud albums), you need to add the following permission statement in the project's info.plist:
  • If the connected device panel is related to using the camera (for example: cloud album), you need to add the following permission statement in the project's info.plist:
  • If the connected device panel is related to the use of location information, you need to add the following permission statement in the project's info.plist:
  • If the connected device panel uses a microphone (for example: a music lamp panel), you need to add the following permission statement in the project's info.plist:
  • If the connected device panel is Bluetooth related, you need to add the following permission statement in the project's info.plist:

1.3. Service Protocol

1.3.1. Provide Service

BizBundle provide services of TYPanelProtocol.h in TYModuleServices component as follows:

@protocol TYPanelProtocol <NSObject>

// clear panel cache
- (void)cleanPanelCache;

 * Get device panel view controller
 * @param deviceModel A device model of TuyaSmartSDK
 * @param initialProps  Custom initialization parameters will be set into the initialProps of the RN application with'extraInfo' as the key
 * @param contextProps  The custom panel context will be set into the Panel Context with'extraInfo' as the key
 * @param completionHandler Callback the panel view controller
- (void)getPanelViewControllerWithDeviceModel:(TuyaSmartDeviceModel *)deviceModel
                                 initialProps:(nullable NSDictionary *)initialProps
                                 contextProps:(nullable NSDictionary *)contextProps
                            completionHandler:(void (^ _Nullable)(__kindof UIViewController * _Nullable panelViewController, NSError * _Nullable error))completionHandler;

 * Get group panel view controller
 * @param groupModel A group model of TuyaSmartSDK
 * @param initialProps  Custom initialization parameters will be set into the initialProps of the RN application with'extraInfo' as the key
 * @param contextProps  The custom panel context will be set into the Panel Context with'extraInfo' as the key
 * @param completionHandler Callback the panel view controller
- (void)getPanelViewControllerWithGroupModel:(TuyaSmartGroupModel *)groupModel
                                initialProps:(nullable NSDictionary *)initialProps
                                contextProps:(nullable NSDictionary *)contextProps
                           completionHandler:(void (^ _Nullable)(__kindof UIViewController * _Nullable panelViewController, NSError * _Nullable error))completionHandler;

// RN Version For BizBundle
- (NSString *_Nonnull)rnVersionForApp;


1.3.2. Dependent Services

The main function of the device control biz bundle is to load the device, and there will be different functions for different devices. To ensure the normal operation of these functions, it will rely on the following protocols: TYSmartHomeDataProtocolTYDeviceDetailProtocolTYSettingsProtocolTYOTAGeneralProtocolTYGroupHandleProtocolTYRNCameraProtocolTYCameraProtocol


Provide the current family information required to load the device panel, must be implemented

 Get the current family. If there is no family, return nil.

 @return TuyaSmartHome
- (TuyaSmartHome *)getCurrentHome;


Click the jump event in the Panel Toolbar Right Menu of the device panel interface

 Click the button click event on the right side of the navigation bar to jump to the device details page

 @param device DeviceModel
 @param group GroupModel, maybe nil.
- (void)gotoDeviceDetailDetailViewControllerWithDevice:(TuyaSmartDeviceModel *)device group:(TuyaSmartGroupModel *)group;


When triggering the release of dp control devices in the panel, an optional switch is provided for the app to emit sound effects. Implement the following method to return whether to enable sound effects:

 * Check if audio is turned on
- (BOOL)soundEnabled;


When entering the device panel, provide an event to check the device firmware update. Implement the following method to check the firmware upgrade:

 Check the device firmware update, if there is an update, it will display the firmware update prompt

 @param deviceModel DeviceModel
 @param isManual Whether to manually detect the upgrade
 @param theme theme color
- (void)checkFirmwareUpgrade:(TuyaSmartDeviceModel *)deviceModel isManual:(BOOL)isManual theme:(TYOTAControllerTheme)theme;


For BLE Mesh devices, there are events in the panel that need to jump to the Mesh group interface. If you need to jump to the mesh group, implement the following methods:

Jump to local mesh group

@available 1.0.0
@param params 
@param success 
@param failure 
- (void)impl_jumpToMeshLocalGroup:(NSDictionary*)params success:(RCTResponseSenderBlock)success failure:(RCTResponseErrorBlock)failure ;


Load the jump event of the RN panel of the camera device, if you access the camera panel service package TuyaSmartCameraRNPanelBizBundle at the same time, it does not need to be implemented;

 Get camera RN panel
 @param devId The devId of the camera device
- (UIViewController *)cameraRNPanelViewControllerWithDeviceId:(NSString *)devId;


Load the jump event of the native panel of the camera device. If the camera panel business package TuyaSmartCameraPanelBizBundle is connected at the same time, it does not need to be implemented;

    Get Camera Native Panel
 @param devId The devId of the camera device
 @param uiName The uiName of the camera device, different uiName corresponds to different versions of the panel
- (UIViewController *)viewControllerWithDeviceId:(NSString *)devId uiName:(NSString *)uiName;

1.4. Guidance

1.4.1. Attention

1、Make sure that the user is logged in before using any interface

2、Before using bizbundle,must implement the protocol method getCurrentHome in TYSmartHomeDataProtocol


#import <TuyaSmartBizCore/TuyaSmartBizCore.h>
#import <TYModuleServices/TYSmartHomeDataProtocol.h>

- (void)initCurrentHome {
    // register service
    [[TuyaSmartBizCore sharedInstance] registerService:@protocol(TYSmartHomeDataProtocol) withInstance:self];

// implementation
- (TuyaSmartHome *)getCurrentHome {
    TuyaSmartHome *home = [TuyaSmartHome homeWithHomeId:@"current_home_id"];
    return home;


import TuyaSmartDeviceKit

class TYActivatorTest: NSObject,TYSmartHomeDataProtocol{

    func test() {
        TuyaSmartBizCore.sharedInstance().registerService(TYSmartHomeDataProtocol.self, withInstance: self)

    func getCurrentHome() -> TuyaSmartHome! {
        let home = TuyaSmartHome.init(homeId: 111)
        return home


1.4.2. Clear Panel Cache


id<TYPanelProtocol> impl = [[TuyaSmartBizCore sharedInstance] serviceOfProtocol:@protocol(TYPanelProtocol)];
[impl cleanPanelCache];


let impl = TuyaSmartBizCore.sharedInstance().service(of: TYPanelProtocol.self) as? TYPanelProtocol

1.4.3. Open Panel


id<TYPanelProtocol> impl = [[TuyaSmartBizCore sharedInstance] serviceOfProtocol:@protocol(TYPanelProtocol)];
// Get the panel view controller and jump by itself
if (deviceModel) {
    [impl getPanelViewControllerWithDeviceModel:deviceModel initialProps:nil contextProps:nil completionHandler:^(__kindof UIViewController * _Nullable panelViewController, NSError * _Nullable error) {
} else if (groupModel) {
    [impl getPanelViewControllerWithGroupModel:groupModel initialProps:nil contextProps:nil completionHandler:^(__kindof UIViewController * _Nullable panelViewController, NSError * _Nullable error) {


let impl = TuyaSmartBizCore.sharedInstance().service(of: TYPanelProtocol.self) as? TYPanelProtocol
// Get the panel view controller and jump by itself
impl?.getPanelViewController(with: deviceModel, initialProps: nil, contextProps: nil, completionHandler: { (vc, err) in

impl?.getPanelViewController(with: groupModel, initialProps: nil, contextProps: nil, completionHandler: { (vc, err) in


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