1. Cloud Storage

Tuya IoT provides cloud storage service for smart camera, which can upload the video recorded by the device to Tuya cloud.

1.1. Flow chart

Request the cloud storage service status first. If the cloud storage service is not activated or has expired and the cloud video has been completely deleted (after the cloud storage service expires, the uploaded cloud video will be retained for some days), you need to first purchase cloud storage services. If the cloud storage service is in the validity period, first request the dates of the cloud storage video, and then request the relevant data of the specified date, including cloud storage events, timeline data, authentication information, etc. After that, you can choose a cloud storage event or a point in time to start playing cloud video.


1.2. Cloud service

1.2.1. Import

Cloud storage purchase needs to introduce the SDK of cloud storage service purchase page, and add the following code in podfile:

# specs source of Tuya
source 'https://github.com/TuyaInc/TYPublicSpecs.git'
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'

platform :ios, '9.0'
target 'Your_Target' do
  pod 'TYCameraCloudServicePanelSDK'

Then run the pod update command in the root directory of project.

1.2.2. Use

Initializing the SDK of cloud storage purchase service requires passing in the channel identifier of the registered app on the Tuya development platform.


To initialize the SDK, it needs to be called after TuyaSmartSDK is activated.

+ (void)setupWithAppScheme:(NSString *)scheme;


Parameter Description
scheme Channel identifier of app



- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
    [[TuyaSmartSDK sharedInstance] startWithAppKey:@"your_appKey" secretKey:@"your_appSecret"];
    [TYCameraCloudServicePanelSDK setupWithAppScheme:@"your_scheme"];


func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    TuyaSmartSDK.sharedInstance().start(withAppKey: "your_appKey", secretKey: "your_appSecret")
    TYCameraCloudServicePanelSDK.setup(withAppScheme: "your_scheme")
    return true   


Synchronize user login status.

+ (void)userStateChanged;

When the user logs in/logs out, the login status of the user must to be synchronized.



- (void)login {
    [[TuyaSmartUser sharedInstance] loginByPhone:@"countryCode" phoneNumber:@"phoneNumber" password:@"password" success:^{
                [TYCameraCloudServicePanelSDK userStateChanged];
    } failure:^(NSError *error) {
                // failed


func login() {
        TuyaSmartUser.sharedInstance().login("countryCode", phoneNumber: "phoneNumber", password: "password", success: {
        }) { (error) in

1.2.3. Request cloud service purchase page

The cloud storage purchase page is an H5 page. Since the corresponding page address needs to be requested from the cloud, the interface to obtain the cloud storage page is asynchronous, and the TuyaSmartDeviceMode object of the corresponding device needs to be passed in.


Gets the view controller that cloud storage purchased.

+ (void)cloudServicePanelWithDevice:(TuyaSmartDeviceModel *)deviceModel
                            success:(void(^)(UIViewController *vc))success
                            failure:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;


Parameter Description
deviceModel Device model
success Success callback, respond a view controller object of UINavigationController subclass
failure Failure callback, error indicates an error message

The cloud storage purchase view controller returned by the interface is an object that is a subclass of UINavigationController, so it cannot be added to the navigation controller's view stack using push.



- (void)gotoCloudServicePanelWithDevice:(TuyaSmartDeviceModel *)deviceModel {
    [TYCameraCloudServicePanelSDK cloudServicePanelWithDevice:deviceModel success:^(UIViewController *vc) {
                [self presentViewController:vc animated:YES completion:nil];
    } failure:^(NSError *error) {


TYCameraCloudServicePanelSDK.cloudServicePanel(withDevice: deviceModel, success: { (vc) in
    self.presentViewController(vc, animated: true, completion:nil)
}) { (error) in

1.3. Cloud video

After purchasing the cloud storage service, the smart camera will upload the recorded video to the Tuya cloud. You can use the SDK to play videos that have been uploaded to the Tuya cloud.

Class and Protocol

Class (Protocol) Description
TuyaSmartCloudManager Cloud storage service status, video data management and cloud video playback
TuyaSmartCloudManagerDelegate Cloud video playback delegate

When TuyaSmartCloudManager initializes, the device id needs to be passed in. Cloud video starts playing silently by default. If the sound need turned on when playing, the mute state can be set to NO when initialization. When cloud video plays, both the video frame data and the frame information are called back using the delegate method.


TuyaSmartCloudManager initialize.

- (instancetype)initWithDeviceId:(NSString *)devId;


Parameter Description
devId Deivice id

The TuyaSmartCloudManagerDelegatehas only one method, will return each frame of video YUV data and frame information. If you want to render video frame by yourself, set autoRender of TuyaSmartCloudManager to NO( default is YES), and then render the video in delegate method.


Respond video frame data and frame information.

- (void)cloudManager:(TuyaSmartCloudManager *)cloudManager didReceivedFrame:(CMSampleBufferRef)frameBuffer videoFrameInfo:(TuyaSmartVideoFrameInfo)frameInfo;


Parameter Description
cloudManager TuyaSmartCloudManager object
frameBuffer Video frame data
frameInfo Video frame information

1.3.1. Cloud storage data

Before playback the cloud video, the relevant data of cloud storage needs to be loaded first. This interface will return the current state of cloud storage service, as well as the corresponding encryption secret key and authentication information.


Loading cloud storage data.

- (void)loadCloudData:(void(^)(TuyaSmartCloudState state))complete


Parameter Description
complete Complete callback, return the cloud service status

enum TuyaSmartCloudState

Value Description
TuyaSmartCloudStateNoService The cloud storage service is not enabled
TuyaSmartCloudStateNoData Cloud storage is available, but there is no video
TuyaSmartCloudStateValidData Cloud storage is available, and has the playback video
TuyaSmartCloudStateExpiredNoData The cloud storage service has expired and there is no video
TuyaSmartCloudStateExpiredData The cloud storage service has expired, but there are still playback videos to view
TuyaSmartCloudStateLoadFailed Loading failed

After the cloud storage service expires, the uploaded cloud storage video is reserved for a period of time (usually 7 days, depending on the cloud storage service agreement). If there is no renewal during this period, the cloud storage video will be deleted after the expiration.

Cloud video date

After successfully returning the loaded cloud storage data, if there is video playback data in the cloud, the date of video playback data can be obtained by cloudDaysproperty.

@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSArray<TuyaSmartCloudDayModel *> *cloudDays;


Field Type Description
sumDuration NSInteger Video total sesonds of the day
uploadDay NSString Date format string, format: yyyy-MM-dd
startTime NSInteger Unix timestamp of 00:00:00
endTime NSInteger Unix timestamp of 23:59:59

Video time slice

Before playing the cloud video, you need to get the time slices of the video clips of that day.


Get the time slices of the video clips of some day.

- (void)timeLineWithCloudDay:(TuyaSmartCloudDayModel *)cloudDay
                     success:(void(^)(NSArray<TuyaSmartCloudTimePieceModel *> * timePieces))success
                     failure:(void(^)(NSError * error))failure;


Parameter Description
cloudDay TuyaSmartCloudDayModel object
success Success callback, return the time slices of videos
failure Failure callback, error indicates an error message


Field Type Description
startTime NSInteger Video start time, Unix timestamp
startDate NSDate Video start date
endTime NSInteger Video end time, Unix timestamp
endDate NSDate Video end date

Cloud event

After the cloud storage service is started, the device will be associated with the cloud video by detecting the events reported by the alarm. Cloud storage alarm events and detection alarm messages are slightly different. Their trigger reasons may be the same, but the deletion of detection alarm message will not affect the cloud storage event, and not all detection alarm messages will trigger the cloud video recording, such as lowpower warning. Moreover, cloud storage events are associated with cloud videos. Under normal circumstances, each cloud storage event will have a corresponding cloud video.


Get cloud alarm events of some day.

- (void)timeEventsWithCloudDay:(TuyaSmartCloudDayModel *)cloudDay
                       success:(void(^)(NSArray<TuyaSmartCloudTimeEventModel *> * timeEvents))success
                       failure:(void(^)(NSError * error))failure;


Parameter Description
cloudDay TuyaSmartCloudDayModel object
offset Offset, 0 marks the beginning of the first event
limit Count limit, -1 indicates access to all events
success Success callback, return the event mode list
failure Failure callback, error indicates an error message


Field Type Description
describe NSString Description of event
startTime NSInteger Start time of event, Unix timestamp
endTime NSInteger End time of event, Unix timestamp
snapshotUrl NSString Camera captures a picture of the event when it happens

1.3.2. Cloud video playback

When playing a cloud video, you need to specify the start time, end time, and whether it is a event.


Play cloud video.

- (void)playCloudVideoWithStartTime:(long)startTime
                         onResponse:(void(^)(int errCode))responseCallback
                         onFinished:(void(^)(int errCode))finishedCallback;


Parameter Description
startTime The start time to playback
endTime The end time, cloud video playback will automatically continue to play until the end of all videos of the day
isEvent Is playback event
responseCallback Result callback, errCode is 0 indicates playback succeed
finishedCallback Video playback finished callback


Pause playabck.

- (int)pausePlayCloudVideo;


Type Description
int Error code, indicating the reason for the failure, 0 indicates succeed


Resume playback.

- (int)resumePlayCloudVideo;


Type Description
int Error code, indicating the reason for the failure, 0 indicates succeed


Stop playback.

- (int)stopPlayCloudVideo;


Type Description
int Error code, indicating the reason for the failure, 0 indicates succeed


Get the video rendering view.

- (UIView<TuyaSmartVideoViewType> *)videoView;


Type Description
UIView Default video rendering view

If play a video clip (TuyaSmartCloudTimePieceModel), startTime pass in a timestamp between TuyaSmartCloudTimePieceModel.startTime and TuyaSmartCloudTimePieceModel.endTime, isEvent pass in NO.

If play a event (TuyaSmartCloudTimeEventModel), startTime pass in TuyaSmartCloudTimeEventModel.stsrtTime, isEvent pass in YES.

The endTime could pass in 'TuyaSmartCloudDayModel.entTime'.

Other functions


Enable mute of video.

- (void)enableMute:(BOOL)mute success:(void(^)(void))success failure:(void (^)(NSError * error))failure;


Parameter Description
mute Is muted
success Success callback
failure Failure callback, error indicates an error message


Get mute state of video.

- (BOOL)isMuted;


Type Description
BOOL Is muted


Record the video and save it to the phone system album.

- (void)startRecord;


Save the recorded video to the specified path.

- (void)startRecordAtPath:(NSString *)filePath;


Parameter Description
filePath Save the video file path


Stop record and save the video.

- (int)stopRecord;


Type Description
int Error code, indicating the reason for the failure, 0 indicates succeed


Video screenshot, picture saved in the phone system album.

- (UIImage *)snapShoot;


Type Description
UIImage UIImage object of the video screenshot, returns nil to indicate that the image saved failed


Video screenshot, image saved in the specified file path.

- (UIImage *)snapShootAtPath:(NSString *)filePath thumbnilPath:(NSString *)thumbnilPath;


Parameter Description
filePath The file path to save the picture
thumbnilPath Save the file path of the thumbnail and pass nil if you don't need it



// self.devId = @"xxxxx";
- (void)viewDidLoad {
    _cloudManager = [[TuyaSmartCloudManager alloc] initWithDeviceId:self.devId];
    [_cloudManager enableMute:NO success:nil failure:nil];
    _cloudManager.delegate = self;

- (void)loadData {
    __weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
    [self.cloudManager loadCloudData:^(TuyaSmartCloudState state) {
      weak_self.cloudStorageDays = weak_self.cloudManager.cloudDays;
      weak_self.selectedDay = weak_self.cloudManager.cloudDays.lastObject;
      [weakSelf checkCloudState:state];

- (void)requestTimelineData {
    [self.cloudManager timeLineWithCloudDay:self.selectedDay success:^(NSArray<TuyaSmartCloudTimePieceModel *> *timePieces) {
        // success
    } failure:^(NSError *error) {
        // failed

-(void)playVideo:(TuyaSmartCloudTimePieceModel *)timePiece {
    [self.cloudManager playCloudVideoWithStartTime:timePiece.startTime endTime:self.selectedDay.endTime isEvent:NO onResponse:^(int errCode) {
        if (errCode == 0) {
            // success
        }else {
                    // failed
    } onFinished:^(int errCode) {
              // finished
        if (errCode != 0) {
                    // Some error

- (void)playEvent:(TuyaSmartCloudTimeEventModel *)event {
    [self.cloudManager playCloudVideoWithStartTime:event.startTime endTime:self.selectedDay.endTime isEvent:YES onResponse:^(int errCode) {
        if (errCode == 0) {
            // success
        }else {
    // failed
    } onFinished:^(int errCode) {
  // finished
        if (errCode != 0) {
    // Some error

- (void)pause {
    if ([self.cloudManager pausePlayCloudVideo] != 0) {
        // Pause playabck failed

- (void)resume {
    if ([self.cloudManager resumePlayCloudVideo] != 0) {
        // Resume playback failed

- (void)stop {
        [self.cloudManager stopPlayCloudVideo];

- (void)muteAction {
    BOOL isMuted = [self.cloudManger isMuted];
    [self.cloudManager enableMute:!isMuted success:^{
        // success
    } failure:^(NSError *error) {
        // failed

- (void)recordAction {
    if (self.isRecording) {
        if ([self.cloudManager stopRecord] != 0) {
            // Record video failed
        }else {
            // Record video success, the video has been saved to the system album
          self.isRecording = NO;
    }else {
        [self.cloudManager startRecord];
            self.isRecording = YES;

- (void)snapShoot {
    if ([self.cloudManager snapShoot]) {
        // The picture has been saved to the system album
    }else {
        // failed


func viewDidLoad() {
    let cloudManager = TuyaSmartCloudManager(deviceId: devId)
    cloudManager?.enableMute(false, success: nil, failure: nil)
    cloudManager?.delegate = self

func loadData() {
    self.cloudManager.loadCloudData { [weak self] (state) in
            self.cloudStorageDays = self.cloudManager.cloudDays
            self.selectedDay =  self.cloudManager.cloudDays.last

func requestTimelineData() {
        self.cloudManager.timeLine(withCloudDay: self.selectedDay, success: { (timePieces) in
    }) { (error) in

func playVideo(_ timePiece: TuyaSmartCloudTimePieceModel) {
    self.cloudManager.playCloudVideo(withStartTime: timePiece.startTime, endTime:self.selectedDay.endTime , isEvent: false, onResponse: { (code) in
        if code == 0 {
        } else {
    }) { (errCode) in
        if codeCode != 0 {
            //Some error

func playEvent(_ event: TuyaSmartCloudTimeEventModel) {
    cloudManager.playCloudVideo(withStartTime: event.startTime, endTime: self.selectedDay.endTime, isEvent: true, onResponse: { (errCode) in
        if code == 0 {
        } else {
    }) { (errCode) in
        if errCode != 0 {
            // Some error

func pause() {
    if self.cloudManager.pausePlayCloudVideo() != 0 {
        // Pause playabck failed

func resume() {
    if self.cloudManager.resumePlayCloudVideo() != 0 {
        // Resume playback failed

func stop() {

func muteAction() {
    let isMuted = self.cloudManager.isMuted()
    self.cloudManager.enableMute(!isMuted, success: {
                // success
    }) { (error) in
        // failed

func recordAction() {
    if self.isRecording {
        if self.cloudManager.stopRecord() != 0 {
            // Record video failed
        } else {
            // Record video success, the video has been saved to the system album
        self.isRecording = false
    } else {
        self.isRecording = true

func snapShoot() {
    if self.cloudManager.snapShoot() {
        // The picture has been saved to the system album
    } else {
        // failed

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