1. Extension Features

Camera SDK provide some extension functions base on data point (DP). If you do not know about data point, please refer to Custom Device Control.

Class and Protocol

Class (Protocol) Description
TuyaSmartCameraDPManager Provides the ability to communicate with device through data points
TuyaSmartCameraDPObserver Provides the ability to monitor device data point value changes

1.1. Device Control

1.1.1. Create instance


Initialize data point manager.

- (instancetype)initWithDeviceId:(NSString *)devId;


Parameter Description
devId Device id


Add and remove device status listening observer.

/// add observer
- (void)addObserver:(id<TuyaSmartCameraDPObserver>)observer;

/// remove observer
- (void)removeObserver:(id<TuyaSmartCameraDPObserver>)observer;


Parameter Description
observer need implement TuyaSmartCameraDPObserver protocol

1.1.2. Query value


Determines whether the device supports a data point.

- (BOOL)isSupportDP:(TuyaSmartCameraDPKey)dpName;


Parameter Description
dpName data point id


Type Description
BOOL whether the specified data point is supported


Query the value of the data point, get the value in the cache directly, and return nil if the data point is not supported.

- (id)valueForDP:(TuyaSmartCameraDPKey)dpName;


Parameter Description
dpName data point id


Type Description
id data point value


Asynchronous query data point value, in addition to memory card related functions, is not recommended.

- (void)valueForDP:(TuyaSmartCameraDPKey)dpName success:(TYSuccessID)success failure:(TYFailureError)failure;


Parameter Description
dpName data point id
success success callback, return the value of the specified data point
failure failure callback, error indicates an error message

1.1.3. Publish data


Asynchronous set value for the specified data point.

- (void)setValue:(id)value forDP:(TuyaSmartCameraDPKey)dpName success:(TYSuccessID)success failure:(TYFailureError)failure;


Parameter Description
value the value of the data point, numeric or BOOL, needs to be wrapped as NSNumber
dpName data point id
success success callback, return the value of the specified data point
failure failure callback, error indicates an error message

Except for some data points in the memory card state, the camera will voluntarily report to the cloud when the data point state changes, and the SDK will update the device's data point status cache in real time. Therefore, in most cases, it is ok to directly obtain the value of the data point in the cache.

Asynchronous query data point value, is publish NULL to the device, under normal circumstances, the device received NULL for the data point, will respond the value of the specified data point. However, this behavior is implemented by camera manufacturers, some manufacturers do not handle this logic, so after publish NULL, the camera firmware will crash. So when using this interface, make sure that the vendor has the logic to handle NULL correctly for these data points.

1.1.4. Callback

The TuyaSmartCameraDPObserver protocol provides the ability to monitor changes in the status of data points reported by the device.


Device data point status change callback.

- (void)cameraDPDidUpdate: (TuyaSmartCameraDPManager *) manager dps: (NSDictionary *) dpsData;


Parameter Description
manager TuyaSmartCameraDPManager object
dpsData dpId and current value of the changed data point, {dpName: value}

1.2. Data point id

Has open standard of camera data point, in the form of a string constants defined in TuyaSmartCameraDPManager.h, redefine as TuyaSmartCameraDPKey. The constant name is formed in the form of "TuyaSmartCamera"+"function"+"DPName".

1.2.1. Basic features

Data point Value type Value range Description
BasicIndicator BOOL YES: on; NO: off indicator light switch
BasicFlip BOOL YES: on; NO: off video flip
BasicOSD BOOL YES: on; NO: off video time watermark
BasicPrivate BOOL YES: on; NO: off Privacy mode, after turning on, the camera does not collect audio and video
BasicNightvision String "0": off; "1": auto; "2": on night vision

1.2.2. Motion detection alarm

Data point Value type Value range Description
BasicPIR String "0": off; "1": low sensitivity; "2": medium sensitivity; "3": high sensitivity passive infrared detection
MotionDetect BOOL YES: on; NO: off motion detection alarm switch
MotionSensitivity String "0": low; "1": medium; "2": high motion detection sensitivity

1.2.3. Sound detection alarm

Data point Value type Value range Description
DecibelDetect BOOL YES: on; NO: off sound detection alarm switch
DecibelSensitivity String "0": low; "1": high sound detection sensitivity

1.2.4. Memory card management

Data point Value type Value range Description
SDCardStatus enum 1: normal; 2: exception (SD card is damaged or format is incorrect); 3: not enough space; 4: formatting; 5: SD card not detected memory card status, can only be read
SDCardStorage String - memory card capacity, can only read
SDCardFormat BOOL YES: start formatting format memory card, can only be published
SDCardFormatState int -2001: formatting exception
1-100: formatting progress
memory card format status or progress, can only be read
SDCardRecord BOOL YES: on; NO: off device video recording switch, video recording is saved in memory card
RecordMode String "1": event recording; "2": continuous recording device memory card recording mode

The value of SDCardStorageis a string which composed of total capacity, used capacity, free capacity by joined '|', the unit is kb. For example: "16777216|1048576|15728640" means that the total capacity is 16Gb, 1Gb has been used, and 15Gb is free.

1.2.5. PTZ control

Data point Value type Value range Description
PTZControl String "0": up; "2": right; "4": down; "6": left controls the PTZ camera to rotate in the specified direction, and can only be published
PTZStop BOOL YES: Stop rotation stop camera rotation, can only be published

1.2.6. Doorbell

Data point Value type Value range Description
WirelessAwake BOOL YES: wake up; NO: sleep whether the device is sleeping, when publish, only YES can be publish to wake up the device
WirelessPowerMode String "0": battery-powered; "1": plug-in power device power mode
WirelessElectricity int 1-100: power percentage of the device ’s current power, which can only be read
WirelessLowpower int 1-100: low battery threshold value when the device battery level is lower than this value, a notification alarm is triggered
WirelessBatteryLock BOOL YES: on;NO: off device battery lock, the battery cannot be removed directly when off

1.2.7. Enum data points

The value range of the data point of the string enum type, there are corresponding string enumeration constants defined in the SDK. The memory card status is an integer enum. You can view the specific definition in TuyaSmartCameraDPManager.h.

Data points Value type
BasicNightvision TuyaSmartCameraNightvision
BasicPIR TuyaSmartCameraPIR
MotionSensitivity TuyaSmartCameraMotion
DecibelSensitivity TuyaSmartCameraDecibel
RecordMode TuyaSmartCameraRecordMode
PTZControl TuyaSmartCameraPTZDirection
WirelessPowerMode TuyaSmartCameraPowerMode
SDCardStatus TuyaSmartCameraSDCardStatus



- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    self.dpManager = [[TuyaSmartCameraDPManager alloc] initWithDeviceId:self.devId];
      [self.dpManager addObserver:self];
      self.osdSwitch = [[self.dpManager valueForDP:TuyaSmartCameraBasicOSDDPName] boolValue];

- (void)openOSD {
    // Determine if the device supports this data point
    if ([self.dpManager isSupportDP:TuyaSmartCameraBasicOSDDPName]) {
        [self.dpManager setValue:@(YES) forDP:TuyaSmartCameraBasicOSDDPName success:^(id result) {
              self.osdSwitch = [result boolValue];
        } failure:^(NSError *error) {
                        // network error

#pragma mark - TuyaSmartCameraDPObserver
- (void)cameraDPDidUpdate:(TuyaSmartCameraDPManager *)manager dps:(NSDictionary *)dpsData {
    // If the data points of the change includes time watermark switch
    if ([dpsData objectForKey:TuyaSmartCameraBasicOSDDPName]) {
        self.osdSwitch = [[dpsData objectForKey:TuyaSmartCameraBasicOSDDPName] boolValue];


override func viewDidLoad() {
    self.dpManager = TuyaSmartCameraDPManager(deviceId: self.devId)
    if self.dpManager.isSupportDP(.basicOSDDPName) {
        self.osdSwitch = self.dpManager.value(forDP: .basicOSDDPName) as! Bool

func openOSD() {
    // Determine if the device supports this data point
    guard self.dpManager.isSupportDP(.basicOSDDPName) else {
    self.dpManager.setValue(true, forDP: .basicOSDDPName, success: { result in
        self.osdSwitch = result as! Bool
    }) { _ in
                // network error

func cameraDPDidUpdate(_ manager: TuyaSmartCameraDPManager!, dps dpsData: [AnyHashable : Any]!) {
    // If the data points of the change includes time watermark switch
    if let osdValue = dpsData[TuyaSmartCameraDPKey.basicOSDDPName] {
        self.osdSwitch = osdValue as! Bool

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