1. Camera Features

Camera SDK provides live video of smart cameras, device memory card video playback, screenshots, recorded videos, and real-time calls with cameras. It also provides YUV data after video frame decoding. Developers can Perform secondary processing on the video data.

1.1. Live video

After creating the TuyaSmartCameraType instance object, you can start playing live video. Video data transmission and command interaction are based on p2p channels.

1.1.1. P2P connection

Before start playing the video, you need to connect the p2p channel. The connection status of p2p needs to be maintained by the developer. The SDK is only responsible for publish commands and receiving camera response results.


Start connecting p2p channels.

- (void)connect;


Disconnect p2p channel.

- (void)disConnect;

Delegate Declaration

p2p channel successfully connected.

- (void)cameraDidConnected: (id <TuyaSmartCameraType>) camera;

Delegate Declaration

The p2p channel is disconnected and will only be called when it is passively disconnected, such as a poor network environment or the device actively disconnects.

- (void)cameraDisconnected: (id <TuyaSmartCameraType>) camera;

The connect method may block the thread. It is recommended to call it from a child thread.

1.1.2. Live video

After the p2p channel is successfully connected, you can start playing live video.


Start playing live video.

- (void)startPreview;


Stop playing live video.

- (void)stopPreview;


Get video render view.

- (UIView<TuyaSmartVideoViewType> *)videoView;

Delegate Declaration

The live video has started successfully.

- (void)cameraDidBeginPreview: (id <TuyaSmartCameraType>) camera;

Delegate Declaration

The live video has successfully stopped playing.

- (void)cameraDidStopPreview: (id <TuyaSmartCameraType>) camera;

1.1.3. Video rendering

After the video is successfully played, the SDK receives the video stream and it will be automatically rendered. Developers can use the camera object's - (UIView<TuyaSmartVideoViewType> *)videoView method to get the rendered view, add it to the screen, and set the layout properties.


Protocol Description
TuyaSmartVideoViewType Video renderer protocol, depending on the camera implementation, the specific implementation of video rendering is also different


Image scaling properties. The default is NO . If the aspect ratio of the view is different from the aspect ratio of the video image, there will be black borders on the top, bottom, or left and right sides of the image. Set to YES, the image will stretch to cover the entire view, which may cause image distortion.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL scaleToFill;


Set image scaling.

- (void)tuya_setScaled:(float)scaled;


Set image offset.

- (void)tuya_setOffset:(CGPoint)offset;


Clear current image and cached video frames.

- (void)tuya_clear;


Screenshot of the currently rendered image.

- (UIImage *)screenshot;

The TuyaSmartCameraType object also provides an autoRender property, which defaults to YES, and the SDK will automatically render the video image. If the developer does not want the SDK to automatically render the video, this property can be set to NO, and then the YUV data of each frame of video can be obtained from the delegate method, and the video rendering is developed independently. Refer to Original video data .

Full screen

The SDK does not provide full-screen playback capabilities. Full-screen playback only needs to modify the layout of the video rendering view. If you need the video image to fill the view, you can set the scaleToFill property to YES, but the image may be stretched and deformed . In full-screen mode, the rotation of the horizontal and vertical screens and the layout changes need to be maintained by the developer.

1.1.4. Flow chart

Video Live Flowchart

1.1.5. Error callback

All error feedback of camera operation will be called back by delegate method.


Camera operation failed callback.

- (void)camera:(id<TuyaSmartCameraType>)camera didOccurredErrorAtStep:(TYCameraErrorCode)errStepCode specificErrorCode:(NSInteger)errorCode;


Parameter Description
camera The camera object where the error occurred
errStepCode Error operation
errorCode Error code, indicating the reason for the failure

enum TYCameraErrorCode

Value Description
TY_ERROR_CONNECT_FAILED P2p connection failed
TY_ERROR_START_PREVIEW_FAILED Live video play failed
TY_ERROR_START_PLAYBACK_FAILED Memory card video playback failed
TY_ERROR_PAUSE_PLAYBACK_FAILED Failed to pause video playback
TY_ERROR_RESUME_PLAYBACK_FAILED Failed to resume video playback
TY_ERROR_ENABLE_MUTE_FAILED Video sound switch failed
TY_ERROR_RECORD_FAILED Video recording failed
TY_ERROR_ENABLE_HD_FAILED Failed to set video definition
TY_ERROR_GET_HD_FAILED Failed to get video definition
TY_ERROR_QUERY_RECORD_DAY_FAILED Memory card video playback date query failed
TY_ERROR_QUERY_TIMESLICE_FAILED Memory card video clip query failed

The meaning of errorCode can refer to the Error Code.



#define kTuyaSmartIPCConfigAPI @"tuya.m.ipc.config.get"
#define kTuyaSmartIPCConfigAPIVersion @"2.0"

- (void)startStream {
    if (self.connected) {
        [self.camera startPreview];
    id p2pType = [self.deviceModel.skills objectForKey:@"p2pType"];
    [[TuyaSmartRequest new] requestWithApiName:kTuyaSmartIPCConfigAPI postData:@{@"devId": self.devId} version:kTuyaSmartIPCConfigAPIVersion success:^(id result) {
        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
            TuyaSmartCameraConfig *config = [TuyaSmartCameraFactory ipcConfigWithUid:[TuyaSmartUser sharedInstance].uid localKey:self.deviceModel.localKey configData:result];
            self.camera = [TuyaSmartCameraFactory cameraWithP2PType:p2pType config:config delegate:self];
            [self.camera connect];
    } failure:^(NSError *error) {
                // Failed to get configuration information

#pragma mark - TuyaSmartCameraDelegate

- (void)cameraDidConnected:(id<TuyaSmartCameraType>)camera {
    self.connected = YES;
        [camera startPreview];

- (void)cameraDisconnected:(id<TuyaSmartCameraType>)camera {
    self.connected = NO;
    self.previewing = NO;

- (void)cameraDidBeginPreview:(id<TuyaSmartCameraType>)camera {
    self.previewing = YES;
        [self.view addSubview:camera.videoView];

- (void)cameraDidStopPreview:(id<TuyaSmartCameraType>)camera {
    self.previewing = NO;

- (void)camera:(id<TuyaSmartCameraType>)camera didOccurredErrorAtStep:(TYCameraErrorCode)errStepCode specificErrorCode:(NSInteger)errorCode {
        if (errStepCode == TY_ERROR_CONNECT_FAILED) {
          // p2p connect failed
        self.connected = NO;
    else if (errStepCode == TY_ERROR_START_PREVIEW_FAILED) {
          // live video play failed
        self.previewing = NO;


func startStream() {
    if self.isConnected {
    let p2pType = self.deviceModel.skills["p2pType"]!
    TuyaSmartRequest().request(withApiName: kTuyaSmartIPCConfigAPI, postData: ["devId": self.devId], version: kTuyaSmartIPCConfigAPIVersion, success: { result in
        guard let responder = result as? [AnyHashable:Any] else {
        DispatchQueue.global().async {
            let config = TuyaSmartCameraFactory.ipcConfig(withUid: TuyaSmartUser.sharedInstance().uid, localKey: self.deviceModel.localKey, configData: responder)
            self.camera = TuyaSmartCameraFactory.camera(withP2PType: p2pType, config: config, delegate: self)
    }) { _ in
                // Failed to get configuration information

func cameraDidConnected(_ camera: TuyaSmartCameraType!) {
    self.isConnected = true

func cameraDisconnected(_ camera: TuyaSmartCameraType!) {
    self.isConnected = false
    self.isPreviewing = false

func cameraDidBeginPreview(_ camera: TuyaSmartCameraType!) {
    self.isPreviewing = true;

func cameraDidStopPreview(_ camera: TuyaSmartCameraType!) {
    self.isPreviewing = false

func camera(_ camera: TuyaSmartCameraType!, didOccurredErrorAtStep errStepCode: TYCameraErrorCode, specificErrorCode errorCode: Int) {
    if errStepCode == TY_ERROR_CONNECT_FAILED  {
          // p2p connect failed
        self.isConnected = false
    }else if errStepCode == TY_ERROR_START_PREVIEW_FAILED {
          // live video play failed
        self.isPreviewing = false

When the app enters the background, it is necessary to stop the video playback. The video data uses hardware decoding and OpenGL rendering. When the app is in the background and continues to play, the app may crash. In addition, Tuya smart cameras generally support a maximum of 5 p2p channels (that is, 5 mobile phones can be connected at the same time). It is recommended that the app actively disconnect the p2p connection after a period of time in the background to release resources.

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